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January 11th, 2020

(First update of the new year)


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I when we got to land it was still dark out. We spent most of the time finding a place to sleep. It just needed to be a place where people wouldn't come snooping. I didn't want to think about how they would react if they saw a dragon snuggled up to a human girl who had the mark of a dragon. Then I saw a farm with a little shed out in the distance from the house.

We were way inland from the sea now, leaving this place a complete wasteland. No fire benders would find us here, only earth benders. "Let's land there." Nearby was a town so I could go and grab some food for the remainder of the journey.

My eyes were already trying to shut when we landed. Hyo took us to the shed where I had to jump off and open it for the both of us. I slumped down and Hyo squeezed in next to me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

But that sleep didn't last for long. "Dad!" I startled awake. "We have another visitor!" I was startled awake. Woah, I didn't think that this run down shed was used. "How in the world did you get past the animals?" It was a young boy with a big gap in his mouth. How did he look so familiar to me?

"W-What is that?!" The boy's surprise turned to fear.

I looked back to see that Hyo was sitting up behind me. Soon enough the dad was behind his son looking at us. "We mean no harm." I stood and dusted my maroon dress off. "We will leave right now." I summoned Hyo to my side.

"Wait." The father raised his hand, unsure of what he was looking at. "Is that really a dragon?" I raised a brow and looked at Hyo.

"Yes." I nodded my head towards the father.

He raised a hand to his head, "another fire bender." Another one? This deep into the Earth Kingdom? Which fire bender would have the guts to travel this far in alone?

"If it makes you sleep better at night, I am an ally, I work with the avatar." Shock filled both of their eyes.

"The avatar?!" The boy's face lights up with shock. "Really?" I nodded my head again.

"I don't expect you to know my name, but I am grateful to have used your shed." I bowed my head. Even though it was a shed and I laid on hay. I just don't want them to cause chaos and start yelling "Kaida the Little Dragon is there," and summon the Fire Nation Army.

"No, we are the ones grateful. I didn't realize there really was a fire bender on our side. We have only had bad experiences with them."

"Especially with that Prince Zuko," the little boy spat out his name. My brows rose to the ceiling.

"You have met Prince Zuko? Of the Fire Nation?" Now it was my turn to be shocked. Then it all hit me like a wave. I remember saving this kid from Zuko when he stole all my power.

"You know him?" He exclaimed, "tell him I don't want this!" He held out the blade that was in his pocket. Even though he was telling me that he didn't want it, it was quite suspicious that he was carrying it around all this time.

I walked over to him and held out my hand. "He is also a friend of mine, he is our spy inside the palace." Not true at all, but I couldn't allow one of his only fans to not like him. It seems that Zuko liked this kid because I knew what that knife was.

"Well, to make up for my stay is there any work that you need help with?" Even though I needed to leave in probably six hours, but this would be a good time for Hyo to rest up.

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