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Tuesday, October 27th


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We stood in front of these huge front gates. I pushed him forward, he looked back at me with a nervous expression. "I lead you here," I smiled putting my hands on my hips, "now you have to do the hard work yourself." That is the only way he will learn and feel satisfaction for his hard work.

    Sokka nodded and reached out and grabs the knocker and taps it against the large door a few times. He waits a moment and looks around, but there is no answer. Sokka knocks on the door and waits again. Still receiving no answer, Sokka becomes frustrated and grabs both knockers, banging them loudly and frantically. The right door is opened by the butler, frightening Sokka.

    "Can I help you?" The butler spoke. Sokka still looking frightened. He quickly composes himself and assumes a more mannered persona.

    "I've come to train with The Master."

    "You should know The Master turns almost everyone away. What did you bring him to prove your worth?" I can name at least ten things that make him a worthy student. From a teacher myself, he would make an amazing student. Though, my standards are currently on the floor due to my previous student being a complete failure.

    "Well, uh..." He starts to feel around his clothes for something to offer. I smack my forehead, that's not what he was talking about, Sokka.

    "Right." He shakes his head sadly, "Let's get this over with." Get what over with? He better not be talking about Sokka not getting the teacher. I clenched my fists, I would burn this whole town to the ground and forced the teacher to his knees for Sokka to be happy.

      The butler gestures for Sokka to enter. Sokka steps through the gate and Fat closes the door. He looks back as the door was closing, I waved to him, "tell me how it goes!" Sokka nodded his head, worry was still plastered on his face. I put my hands together and started to pray.

    "Please give Sokka strength to be happy."

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    I was down by the lake catching fish for Hyo as he bathes next to me. I had my skirt in one of my hands and a fire in the other one. I was working on my lighting skills.

    All of a sudden I hear my name being called from up above. "Kaida!" I turned to see Sokka running down the hill, clearly coming from the campsite that we had staked down. "Kaida!" He flailed his arms as he stumbled from the edge of the lake.

     "Wait! Don't tell me yet! Let me come out!" I hope it was good news so I can hug him and encourage him into working hard for the next few days. I walk out and drop my dress. "Alright now tell me." I smiled.

     His grin widened, "I did it! He accepted me!" I jumped with joy.

     I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me. We squealed and jumped in a circle together. "Congratulations! You're awesome!" We broke but grins of happiness.

    "Thank you!" He flexed his arm muscles, "I know, I'm just so good." We laughed together.

"Tell me all about it!"

    So he did. He told me all the trials he had to go through and how his teacher tested him. We sat next to the lake as he spoke. "I'm going back tomorrow."

    "Excited?" I looked at him to see him looking out across the lake.

    "I'm kind of nervous. I hope I live up to his expectations." He grabbed a rock and tossed it across the lake, skipping it.

     "As a teacher," I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned to look at me. "If you try your hardest, you will reach his expectations." I patted his shoulder once before putting it in my lap. "There were things Zuko never got. For example, he never put his heels up. It was a habit he could never break, but he tried his hardest too."

     I smiled at the memory, "that didn't stop him from being a great student." Then I got chills remembering him burning my flesh. The pain of my skin bubbling, the smell of rotting burnt flesh that stayed no matter how many times I washed the wound. I hugged my arms, suddenly getting the feeling of throwing up. "Though I am no longer his teacher."

    "What? You aren't crazy scar-man's teacher anymore?" I nodded my head. "Oh? Then why don't you teach Aang now!" My eyes and mouth opened with shock. I didn't think of that till now.

    Be Aang's teacher? Me?

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    "What should we do today?" Aang was bored looking up at the sky. I was still pondering over if I teach him or not. I probably should for the betterment of the world. But that meant betraying Zuko.

    But he betrayed me first so that should be okay. Right? I felt a hole in my heart whenever the idea came to mind. I do have room for one more student. I clenched my shirt. I told Sokka not to bring it up until I have my answer and he understood, saying he wouldn't push me to do anything.

     Though he did remark that, "it would be better for the war if you did." I know that. I did, but I am just... selfish.

    "I'm tapped out. I already picked my toes, twice." Toph groaned, drawing me out of my thought. I was stroking Hyo who laid in my lap.

    "Twice?" I said, shocked, to say the least.

    "The first time was for cleaning, but the second time's just for the sweet picking sensation." Toph laughed and it made me smile. She always knew how to cheer me up, even though she has no idea of my inner turmoil.

    "Sokka's been in charge of the schedule. I'm not sure what we should be doing." I for one, am enjoying this break. All I have been doing is, go, go, go. It's nice to settle down for the day and take naps.

    "Plus, it's so hot today," Aang stated.

     "How hot is it?" I started looking at them. I didn't think it was that hot out right now.

    "I don't know. Real hot?" Toph backed up Aang.

     Katara then jumped in, "It's so hot, it's so hot... Momo is shedding like Appa."

    "Huh, huh?" Katara looked for out reactions. Wait. Was that meant to be a joke?

    Aang scratches his head and Katara's joke receives no laughs. "I guess the jokes don't run in the family." I cackled at that, and Katara shot me a glare. A chill rolled down my skin, I backed off.

    "Oh, everyone's a critic." Katara rolled her eyes.

     "You are bored?" I questioned, still stroking Hyo's head as he munches on all the fish I caught him yesterday.

    "You're not?" I shrugged my shoulders. I was a bit, normally I would be taking this time to write Zuko letters, but that isn't an option.

    "Why don't we look at the map. Doesn't Sokka have the path planned out? We should probably get used to it."

     All light up with that and started to rummage through the bags. Toph gave up looking because I think she realized that she wouldn't be able to see the map regardless.

    Katara came out victorious, holding the map over her head like a trophy. "Got it!" Then she laid it out in front of her and Aang sat beside her. "So where are we going next?" She points to the map, "We're starting from here."

    Aang points at a different spot, "No, we're over on this island."

    Toph, who is back to lying down, "You noodle-brains don't know what you're doing. I miss Sokka."

     "Ooh, I got one. If you miss him so much, why don't you marry him?" Katara grins at her joke, making me sigh, I leaned on Hyo, closing my eyes to take a nap. Hyo turned around and put his wing around me, tucking me in.

Yeah. I did like calm days like this. But I knew it was only the calm before the storm.

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