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Thursday, July 2nd


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    It was finally the last battle of the night. Sokka was going crazy because the boulder has won every fight up till now. I sat up and rested my elbows on my knees as I looked at the arena below us. Mr. Hunky against, a child? I rose my eyebrow as I saw the petite girl.

    "The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young, blind girl." She's blind too? What a badass.

    "Sounds to me like you're scared, Boulder." She pointed a finger at him a smile on her face. This made my own light up like a fire.

    "I like this girl!" I said leaning closer.

    The boulder reeled back as if he was hit in the head by something, "The Boulder's over his conflicted feelings, and now he's ready to bury you in a rock-a-lanche!" I rolled my eyes.

     "Whenever you're ready...The Pebble." She thows her head back, her hands on her hips and howls with laughter.

     "It's on!" The Pebble said and they squared each other up. This reminded me of a Fire Nation tradition, Agai Kai. Its where you have a fight about a disagreement. For example if someone said one plus one is three and someone fought them about it and lost, one plus one is three. Of course, it's more serious than that, but that's the gist of it.

    They fought and honestly I didn't know what was going on. Though due to Sokka's expression I think the Pebble was getting his butt handed to him. Then all of a sudden the Pebble did a split, letting out a cry of pain. Then the girl did a motion with her hands and sent the guy flying out of the ring. I let out a cheer while Sokka let out a groan.

    "Your winner, and still the champion, The Blind Bandit!" The announcer said and I cheered again which made Aang look at me.

   "I thought you were sleeping?" He leaned past Katara to make eye contact with me. I shrugged.

    "She seemed cool." I smirked as I looked down at the girl, "I like her style." She was powerful, confident, and ruthless, everything about her was so awesome. I just had to meet her, something about her fire was drawing me in.

    I was cut out of my train of thought by Sokka who started whining, "Noo!" He leaned on my shoulder dramatically and I gave him hard pats on the back to show him that he needs to accept his loss.

    "How did she do that?" KAtara looked between Aang and I, in what seems to be a state of shock.

     "She waited,  and listened." He said quietly as if he has answered a question. I turned to him to ask what it was about, but the announcer spoke up again.

    "To make things a little more interesting, I'm offering up this sack of gold pieces to anyone who can defeat The Blind Bandit!" There was a wave of silence. "What No one dares to face her?" There was silence. Who would be dumb enough to fight that little beast, they would surely lose.

    "I will!" Aang raised his hand and stood from where he was sitting. I let out a little groan. Why do I even travel with these people anymore? They share a single brain cell, well Katara has a lot more than the two other meatheads.

     "Go Aang! Avenge The Boulder!" Sokka cupped his hands around his mouth and started yelling down words of encouragement. Was it bad that I wanted the Blind Bandit to win? She was just so cool! I kept my feelings to myself though.

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