Chapter 3: The First Encounter!

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After a long, tedious journey Aadya along with her friends Khushi, Meher, Vihaan, and Aayush reached Mussoorie. All of them are best friends since school and have remained the same. Meher is an event manager while Vihaan and Aayush are into business.

The cool breeze around was instant relief and the tiredness was long gone. Soon the girls and boys checked in to their respective rooms. Aadya, Khushi, and Meher shared a room while the boys took the other one.

The weather was very pleasant and serene so they decided to explore around walking through the famous Mall Road feeling the vibe of the place. Finding unworldly peace between the hustle-bustle of shops, eateries, and throngs of tourists is everything one would wish for. 

The girls instantly hit the shops, clearly proving their obsession with shopping while the boys have been following them to every store frowning. Shivering slightly in the crisp monsoon air they pit stopped at small shacks to refuel. Onion pakoras simmering in hot oil, French toast, steamed momos, and a soothing cup of tea gave them the much-needed warmth. After savoring the delicacies and trying out different local foods, they soon returned to their hotel.

“Guys, I know it has been a very tiring day. So, let's hit our beds soon. We are supposed to start our trek early in the morning so get ready by 4 a.m” said Vihaan as soon as they reached their hotel, for which the girls sighed in response.

“Come on you lazy people! We are here for fun not for sleeping so stop sighing and wake up early else we are going to miss the amazing sunrise. I don’t know when will we get a chance again to go on a trip together. Aadya making it up for the trip itself is a big thing and I don’t think we will get a chance again soon so better we make use of this trip to the fullest.” said Aayush bossing the girls.

“OK Aayush! Chill. Just give us a call when you wake up.” said the girls and everyone soon retired to their rooms.

“Guys, I have taken the keys. Let's check-in” said Sanjay walking towards Arjun and Aaryan playing with keys.

“Yeah! Let's hit the bed soon. I am very tired” groaned Arjun.

“Let me remind you something before you guys sleep like a log. I have planned a surprise for us. So we are supposed to wake up early in the morning.” winked Aaryan.

The calming and hushed silence in the room was disturbed by the continuous ringing of the phone. Finally, after two rings Meher took the call grunting in annoyance still in her half-open eyes.

“It's already late. Wake up and freshen up soon” shouted Aayush from the other end.

Meher immediately woke up and sprang into action while Aadya and Khushi, were fighting for the other one to get up first. 

Finally, after an hour, everyone got ready and started for the trek.

They have been continuously trekking for an hour and were almost near to the hilltop. 

“Hey shortie, don’t walk like old people. Walk fast! The sun will rise soon” Aayush teased Aadya who was panting and walking with great difficulty royally ignoring Aayush’s rantings.

“She is not going to listen like this. I will have to use my magic. See how she will run now!” said Meher smirking at Aayush.

“Aadhuu!! There’s a dog behind be careful” shouted Meher.

“Aahhhhhhhh!!!!”  Aadhya screamed in fear and started running without caring about the path and the other people walking around. Not noticing the stone in front of her, she fumbled and was about to hit the ground when suddenly a pair of arms engulfed her waist, pulling her back from falling. Opening her eyes slowly, she noticed a tall, handsome man with a sharp jawline and dark brown eyes staring into her eyes.

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