Chapter 33: Blossoming Friendship🤝

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"Shit!" Arjun cursed under his breath pinching the bridge of his nose. He realized he went overboard.

Everything has started going smoothly between them, but now he lost his chance as his anger got the worst of him.

Aadya went to the washroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy due to continuous crying. She splashed water on her face, made herself presentable, and got back to her work.

Arjun noticed her from afar but couldn't get himself to approach her at the moment. He was guilty of his actions. He wanted to be the reason for her smile, but never in his dreams, he thought he would be the reason for her tears.

A week passed, and none of them attempted to acknowledge each other. Aadya maintained a very strict professional relation speaking, only when required with the cases. Arjun wanted to apologize to her for his outburst that day but seeing Aadya avoid him, he fought the urge to speak to her.

Aadya was on her rounds in the ward today and Arjun has come out of a surgery he was attending when he heard his phone ringing.

"9 missed calls from Pops??" he thought looking at his call log.

He immediately called back to know if there was anything urgent.

"Arjun, where were you? I have been calling you for so long," asked Prithviraj.

"Pops, I was in surgery, so didn't check your calls,"

"Listen, I have been trying to call Aadya, but her phone is out of reach. Please bring her to City Hospital immediately."

"City hospital? But why?"

"Her dad had a cardiac arrest and is admitted here as it is near to his office. Inform Aadya and get her here. Don't leave her alone. She will panic," said Prithviraj.

"Sure. Don't worry about Aadya. Anyhow my schedule is clear for today. We will be there soon." said Arjun hanging the call.

He informed a nurse passing by to ask Aadya to meet him in his cabin. Meanwhile, he got back to his normal clothes from his surgery attire.

"Excuse me, sir, you called?" asked Aadya knocking on the door.

"Aadya daadu called me to bring you to the city hospital. Pankaj uncle is admitted there," he said not beating around the bush.


"He had cardiac arrest, so they took him to the city hospital," he explained. Aadya stood there still in shock.

Arjun was worried for her. She put on a blank face without revealing any emotions on her face.

After some time he spoke, "Aadya, come let's go," She nodded her head and followed Arjun. They were on the way to the hospital, but none of them spoke.

"Dad is the only one I have. My mom left me when I was young. Will he leave me too?" Aadya asked staring outside the window.

"No. As far as I know, Pankaj Uncle is a fighter. He will be fine soon. How could he leave when he has such a lovely daughter here?" said Arjun comforting her. "He would always tease your mom that you were his first love and not her,"

"You know my parents?" she asked, surprised by the newfound information.

"Yes. I came with Pops for your first birthday. That's the first time I met your parents. It was really a celebration as you were the first child of Mehra's. Aunty herself made the red velvet cake for your party. Then, I was sent to boarding school so didn't have any chance to meet them again. But, later I met Pankaj Uncle a few times at few business events." he said reminiscing them.

Aadya had tears in her eyes listening about her parents from Arjun. Arjun put his hand on hers and stroked with his fingers to soothe her pain.

"I know this is not the right time Aadya, but I am very sorry for hurting you with my words last week. It wasn't my intention to hurt you. I saw you that day morning with Dr. Nakul, and I just lost it, and all the pent-up anger got released that way. But trust me, none of the words that came out of my mouth were true. Please forgive me,"

Aadya could see the truth in his apology. He was really sincere with it.

"I am sorry too for slapping you, sir. I just lost my cool when you said those words,"

"Friends?" he asked, extending his hand.

Aadya thought for a while and then reluctantly forwarded her hand to seal the beginning of their friendship, wiping her tears.

They reached the hospital, but Aadya was scared to step inside. She was scared for the news waiting for her. Hospitals never scared her; she practically lives her life in the hospitals, but this time it is different. She is not here as a doctor but as a daughter who is tensed for her father.

Arjun noticed her fear and intertwined his hand with hers leading her inside. Aadya was surprised at his gesture but couldn't think anything in this state of mind. It felt so right. She was glad he was there to support her.

They went to the waiting room where Prithviraj and Vikram were waiting. Vikram informed them that the surgery was going on.

Aadya went towards Prithviraj and hugged him crying hysterically.

"It's okay, Aadya beta. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to your dad. He will be fine" Prithviraj patted her head consoling.

"Yes, Aadya. Your dad wouldn't like to see you this way. Please be strong," said Arjun's dad, Vikram.

Aadya nodded her head and went to sit on one of the chairs waiting for the doctors to inform his condition. She was continuously muttering prayers for her father's recovery.

Arjun went outside seeing her stronger than before. He came back with coffee for everyone. He forwarded it to Prithviraj and Vikram and then went to Aadya.

"Here, take this! you will feel better. You have been stressing for long," said Arjun forwarding the coffee.

"Thank you, sir," replied Aadya taking the cup from his hand.

"Uhh aadya...Aren't we friends now? you can call me Arjun until and unless we are in the college."

Aadya nodded with a smile.

Aadya nodded with a smile

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