Chapter 41: Misunderstandings cleared!

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"Let me handle this Arjun, after all, it started because of me."

"Aahana?!" whispered Nakul, shocked to see her.

"Yes. The same Aahana who was once your best friend, but unfortunately you didn't want us to be just friends. I had a little amount of respect for you Nakul, and with what you did today, you lost that too." she seethed in anger and slapped him hard.

"Aahana, please don't say that" pleaded Nakul holding his cheek.

"Why? Did it hurt your ego? What did you get by doing such petty things? Why do you keep blaming Arjun for that? I am your culprit, not him. Stop involving him every time. Can't you see that I am very happy with Aditya and my son Ansh? Why don't you just leave those grudges and start over? You loved me, and I loved Aditya. Arjun just helped me in pursuing my love. It was solely my decision, not his. You know how it feels when you lose your love, I beg you please don't take my revenge on Arjun by taking his love away from him." she said joining her hands.

Nakul immediately fell on his knees holding her hands.

"I am sorry Aahana. I didn't have any bad intentions. I just wanted to show Arjun how much it hurts when you lose your love. I promise I will leave this revenge. Just don't be angry with your friend," said Nakul with tear-filled eyes.

"You will get your friend back, but only when I am convinced that you have changed." she sighed and walked away.

"Aadya, you came?" asked Aahana, shocked to see her. She understood that she might have seen everything.

"What is all these di?" she asked, pointing at Arjun and Nakul.

"Uh...come with me, I will tell you on the way" replied Aahana and took Aadya along with her from there.

"Can I get my other friend back too?" Nakul asked, looking at Arjun.

"Only if you stop bringing those stupid bimbos to trouble me" he laughed and pulled Nakul into a hug.

"I am sorry Arjun. I will apologize to Aadya and clear your misunderstandings." he apologized.

"Don't worry about that, I will handle it," said Arjun.

"Come, let's go and get your first aid done. I don't want others to witness my artwork"


"Di, tell me na?" asked Aadya while looking at Aahana who was driving.

"I, Arjun, and Nakul were best friends since school, and Aditya was our senior. I had a crush on Aditya but didn't share with both of them as Aditya was Arjun's brother, and I don't want that to affect our friendship. Few years passed, and when we were in college, Aditya has once expressed to Arjun that he loves me and he played cupid between us. He convinced both our families and then after a year, we got married. In all these, what we didn't know was that Nakul had feelings towards me. He was about to propose, but before that, I broke him the news that I and Aditya, decided to get married. He expressed his feeling to me the next day, but I told him that I see him just as a friend and I love Aditya."

Aadya was listening to Aahana intently.

"I don't know from where did he know, but he thinks that if Arjun hadn't played cupid between us, then I would have accepted his proposal, so he started having a grudge on Arjun since then thinking that it was Arjun who spoiled his chance at love."

"You guys didn't talk to each other again?" asked Aadya curiously.

"Not exactly. We just meet each other formally at business events as Nakul's father is also one of the shareholders in Raichand industries, but we never hang out together" explained Aahana.

"Di, who was that girl who ran away from there?" Aadya asked carefully, trying not to appear intruding.

"She was sent by Nakul to spoil your date. It was his revenge against Arjun to create misunderstandings between you both" Aahana replied.

"You know about the date?" asked Aadya shocked.

"Yes! How wouldn't I know? After all, he is snatching my son's girlfriend" she winked.

"Oh god! This is so embarrassing" Aadya covered her face with her hands.

"I have been avoiding Arjun for since last few days di. He even tried to explain me, but I refused to listen to him, and now he is angry with me. I was so stupid to behave like that." she said with her voice laced in disappointment.

"It's okay, Aadya. Things like this happen. But what you should remember is, to learn from your mistakes and have trust in each other." said Aahana while Aadya nodded her head in understanding.

"What should I do now, di?" she asked looking at Aahana in hope.

"Uh... I don't know. Maybe just apologize to him?"

"Hmm..will do that di. How about buying a gift for him as an apology?" she asked.

"Girl, I don't know what to say? If my son comes to know that I am helping you to buy a gift for your boyfriend, he will snatch my peace." laughs Aahana.

They soon reached the mall and brought a video game for Ansh. Aahana then pulled Aadya towards a boutique.

"How is this?" asked Aahana pointing towards a beautiful white dress.

"Beautiful di" "Great, now go and try this" she pushed Aadya into the trail room ignoring her pleadings. Aadya huffed and came out of the trail room changing into the dress.

"Oh god! You are looking like an angel in this. Now, I knew why my idiot brother-in-law likes you" she grinned while Aadya blushed deep red.

Aahana bought the dress for Aadya as a token of apology for spoiling her date and thanking her for accompanying her to the shopping.

"So, any plans on how to patch-up?" asked Aahana.

"Yes di, you wait and watch. My mind is popping with so many ideas" grinned Aadya.

Yayy! Everything is cleared.😅

@ziyashabeeer I hope you are finally at peace now😜❤️

@ziyashabeeer I hope you are finally at peace now😜❤️

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