Chapter 19: The Bumpy Ride

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"Chaachu. Tolay is Sunday na, you don't have a holiday?" asked Ansh drinking his milk.

"No champ. I am a doctor na so I don't have many holidays," replied Arjun while having his breakfast.

"I also become dowctor like you when I be big," said Ansh with a gleam on his face.

"Sure buddy. You will become a much better doctor than me" Arjun said caressing his hair.

" become good dowctor than chaachu " Ansh beamed with excitement.

"Ok Ansh, you finish your breakfast. I am getting late. Will see you in the evening. Bye" said Arjun placing a kiss on his cheek and getting up from the table. He then went to his room, gathered his things, and started off to work.

After 10 mins of the ride, the car came to a halt suddenly causing Arjun to look at the driver in confusion. The driver tried to start the car again but it was of no use. He apologized to Arjun and got down the car saying he will look into the problem.

"Sir, I think there is some problem with the engine. We need to call a mechanic to check" the driver said hesitantly while Arjun cursed under his breath and got down the car.

The one thing that Arjun hates the most is "waiting". He ran his hand through his hair trying to control his frustration and lashing out at the driver. Arjun tried calling his home to send for another driver but the call couldn't be able to connect, which irked him more. He was about to lash on his driver when suddenly a car came to a halt near him.

The glass rolled down, revealing the one and only person he wants to avoid.

"Sir, you are here? Any problem?" enquired Aadya.

"Yes, you are only my biggest problem," Arjun muttered to himself.

"Is everything okay sir?" she asked again looking at Arjun who is lost in his thoughts.

"Hmm...yeah! It's just that my car has a breakdown. So, checking out for a cab" replied Arjun typing something on his phone.

"Ohh don't worry sir. If you don't mind you can come with me. Anyways we are going to the same place" Aadya asked skeptically.

"Thanks for asking Dr. Aadya but that's okay. I can manage. Also, I can't risk my life taking a lift from you" Arjun said in a monotonously.

"It's already getting late sir and as it is peak time now, it's hard to get a cab soon. Why don't you join me? Also sir, no worries, I have got my license too. You are in safe hands now." replied Aadya.

Arjun looked at his watch and as he is getting late, he thought it would be best to take help from her. He then instructed his driver to get the repair done soon and get his car to the hospital and then got into the passenger seat. Aadya smiled in a victory that she finally convinced this stubborn guy.

"If you are done smiling, shall we start?" snapped Arjun while Aadya just nodded and started the car.

The ride was silent as Arjun was immersed in his phone while Aadya was getting bored with the silence in the car as she was used to listening to songs when driving but as Arjun is also there, she was hesitant to play the music.

"Sir, is it okay if I play some songs?" she asked skeptically unable to bear the silence.

"Whose car is this Dr.Aadya?" he asked.

"Uhm...mine!" she replied.

"Then why are you asking me?" retorted Arjun. "I am okay with anything" he further added softly, on noticing her hesitation.

Aadya smiled to herself as it's the first time he spoke softly with her. She then connected her phone with Bluetooth and played songs. The ride is now smooth which is interrupted by her phone ringing. She answered the call and as it was connected to the Bluetooth, it was on speaker.

"Aadhuuuuu" Aayush screamed from the other side.

"Idiot you didn't tell me your college life was so happening nowadays. Khushi filled me with all those juicy details. So how is your Hitler treating you?" he further asked excitedly leaving no chance for Aadya to speak in between.

Aadya's eyes popped out on listening to Aayush's rambling. She immediately cut the call. All she wishes now is the Earth to swallow her up. She turned towards Arjun hoping that he didn't pay attention to the previous conversation but looking at him glaring at her, it was obvious that he had heard it crystal clear.

Aadya rubbed her neck and gave a small smile to Arjun trying to feign her innocence.

Despite disconnecting the call, Aayush was continuously trying again while Aadhya sighed in frustration.

Her phone rang again displaying Aayush's name. While Aadya was looking at the call, Arjun swiped the green button with a mischievous smirk adorning his face.

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