The apple doesn't fall far - Part 3 - Joffrey x Reader

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I have had a few requests for a third part to this imagine, including one from toogsallmighty. I am sorry that it has taken me a little longer, but I just needed to work it out in my head. There is now going to be a part four to bring it all together, but hopefully I won't make you wait as long for that. I hope that you enjoy.

"Beautiful, isn't she? Every inch a queen. Every inch my queen." Joffrey said, as he looked over at (Y/n). His sister wrapping the sheet tighter around her body as she tried to hide what little modesty she had left.

"I know that you always believed that it should be (Y/n) that sat on the Iron Throne and not me, uncle. That you believe that she would make a better queen than I do a king. Well uncle, now we will see, because my sister, my beautiful sister, is going to be your new queen. I intend to marry her and have her sit by my side. I intend that she give me heirs that will rule the Seven Kingdoms for generations to come." Joffrey hummed, as he moved back to the bed and sat by (Y/n)'s side. His fingers moving her long pale hair from her shoulder, before placing his lips against her slender neck. Tyrion and Sandor continuing to watch on in disbelief. Neither of them knowing quite what to say, or indeed what to do. Tyrion though, placing his hand over the top of the Hounds, as the big man gripped at the hilt of his sword. The little lion not wanting any bloodshed, just yet.

He could tell from the look on his niece face that this was something that she didn't want. That she wished she was anywhere but there. That whatever had happened between her and Joffrey was not something that she had intended. But he could also sense that she was scared. That Joffrey had said something to the usually confident, proud and resilient (Y/n), that now made it appear as though she were someone else. A shell of what she had been the day before.

"Have you ever seen anything more beautiful in your life, uncle? Tell me, would either of you like to know how she tastes? How she moans like a whore when you fuck her just right. How she mewls when you wrap your fingers tightly around her throat. And how she groans when you come inside her? Would you like to see all the things that I have been able to touch? To kiss. To fuck." Joffrey said, as he tore the sheet away from his sister's body. (Y/n) doing all she could to hide her nakedness from her uncle and Sandor. The two men turning their eyes to the floor as Joffrey chuckled wickedly.

"Come, come. You can't expect me to believe that neither of you haven't thought about what it would be like to be with her. To take her naked body in your arms and caress her flesh. To do all those things to her, that you would even be ashamed to ask a whore to do. Because believe me when I say that she is willing to do it all. And more." Joffrey continued, as he pulled (Y/n)'s arm away from her breasts and began to stroke her already pert nipples, until they became stiff and wanting. The cruel boy removing his dressing gown before slowly slipping back under the linen and furs. His arms wrapping around his sister, as he pushed her back onto the bed and lay on top of her. Not caring that Sandor and his uncle were still there.

"Now, get out. I am not done with my sister. And she is going to remain with me from now on. So, she will no longer be spending time with you. Any of you. You will only see her when I say. And even then, you will not speak to her, unless it is in my presence. NOW, GET OUT!" Joffrey bellowed. Sandor pulling the little lion from the room. The Hound not unfamiliar with the murderous look in Tyrion's eyes. The big man, for once in his life, feeling that discretion was the better part of valour.

"We need to speak to my brother. My father. This is not going to happen. I am not going to let this happen. That bastard is not going to get away with this." Tyrion growled as he made his way to find the rest of the family with Sandor in tow. Not sure how he was going to tell them what he had just seen but knowing that they needed to know. That between them, king or not, they could bring a stop to Joffrey's madness, and he could finally get (Y/n) away from her brother. And hopefully, she would eventually be able to overcome all she had been through.


Tyrion sat at the great table, telling the others what he and Sandor had just seen. What Joffrey had done. What he was doing, and what he intended to do. The ever alert little man, not failing to notice the strange looks between the twins as he spoke. or the look of anger in his father's eyes that grew as his story continued.

"This is all your fault, Cersei. If you had put that child in his place. If you had punished him instead of giving in to his every whim. This would not have happened. If you had not pushed your daughter away because of all your petty jealousies and placed her on the throne instead of Joffrey. Then things would have been different. But now, now the whole of the Seven Kingdoms is going to find out what has happened. They will look at the Lannisters as though they are no better than the mad king and his ancestors. Your son has lost his mind, and I want my granddaughter away from him." Tywin hissed, as he glared at Cersei. The queen mother getting to her feet and looking around the men of her family.

"It is (Y/n) that has corrupted Joffrey. It is her that is jealous of him. She planned all this. Planned to have herself made queen so that she could rule. To turn my son against me. She.........."

"Don't make yourself look anymore foolish than you already do, Cersei. Joffrey treats us all with contempt, you included. You are just too blind to see. And I think that it is about time that I did something about it," Tywin interrupted. The old lion rising from his chair and making his way to the door. The others following along behind. The Lannister patriarch leading the way, as they stormed towards to Joffrey's rooms.


"You look beautiful, my queen." Joffrey cooed as he looked at (Y/n) through the mirror. The king sitting her down at the dressing table before placing a large necklace around her throat. Joffrey holding her chin as he forced (Y/n) to look at herself. Her still naked form covered only by the precious stones that hung around her neck.

"I am going to have a Septon brought here. You and I will be married, and when you are with child, I will present you to the whole of the Seven Kingdoms as their queen. And then we will marry again, with all the ceremony that we deserve." Joffrey continued, as he draped a fur around (Y/n)'s shoulders. The doe unable to do anything but stare at her brothers' reflection as he sat to her side. (Y/n) believing that her brother had finally, and truly lost his mind.

"YOU!" Cersei exclaimed as Tywin forced open the door to Joffrey's rooms. The lioness pushing past her father before he could say anything, to see her oldest children together. Glaring at (Y/n), as she pulled the fur around herself. The other lions staring, as Cersei rushed forward.

"This is all you. You did this. You used your body to entice him. To lead him astray. I will not allow this. I will.........."

"You will do nothing, mother. And if you so much as think about talking to my queen in that way again, your head will be joining that traitor, Ned Stark's on a pole. If you even look at (Y/n) in a way that I do not like, then I will exile you. I will make it law that no one is to help you. From now on, you will not even come anywhere near my sister. Because if you do, your life will be forfeit. And that goes for all of you. I will not be denied. I am king. And my word is law." Joffrey interrupted, standing between his mother and sister as Cersei tried to get to (Y/n). The queen mother in shock as her beloved son slapped her face with such force that it sent her to the floor.

"Now. You will all leave. My queen and I still have things to do before the Septon arrives." Joffrey continued as he re-joined his sister. (Y/n) looking at her prone mother in disbelief. The young doe beginning to wonder if she could make this whole awful situation actually work to her advantage. And if she could finally bring down her mother, as well as her brother madness. 

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