What Ramsay wants; Ramsay gets - AU - Ramsay x Reader

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I know that I have a thing at the moment, for doing AUs for Ramsay that involve him being a criminal. But I think that the gangster thing sort of suits my favourite bad boy. Soooooo here is another little offering. I have included the lyrics from 'At Last' by Ella Fitzgerald, which she originally sang in 1960, so instead of making Ramsay a 1930s American gangster, I am using instead the English Kray brothers as influence. Hope that you all enjoy.

"What do you mean he wants me?" (Y/n) asked nervously, as she stared at Don, the manager of the club at which she sang.

"Exactly what I said (Y/n). Ramsay Bolton bought out the entire club for the night, and he demanded that you be the only one to perform. What the hell was I supposed to say?" Don told her, appearing no less anxious at the prospect of having the east end gangster in his little jazz club, than (Y/n) was about having to perform.

"So, you are telling me that Ramsay Bolton, one of the most powerful god damn crime bosses of the whole city, asked for me, by name, himself?" (Y/n) asked, now pacing the dressing room apprehensively, as she contemplated coming face to face with man, whose numerous, and varied crimes she had only ever read about in the papers. (Y/n) gulping at the large lump that had just formed in her throat, as her boss nodded his head.

"Not only that, but he wants you to wear this." Don told her, pulling out a beautiful long gown that was exactly the same colour scarlet as the body of the man on Ramsay's infamous flayed man calling card, from behind the dressing room door.

(Y/n) took the dress in her hands. She had to admit it was gorgeous, and she couldn't help but think that the man that ruled the east end with an iron grip had exceptional taste; but it was still a little creepy.

"Oh great, this colour should cover the blood stains nicely when he shoots me." (Y/n) said, dropping into the chair behind her, and letting out a heavy sigh.

"Don't be so melodramatic (Y/n), he's not gonna shoot you. He must like you if he asked for you personally." Don tried to reassure, as he gave her a soft smile.

"Melodramatic? MELODRAMATIC!? Have you been living under a rock? The man has killed goodness knows how many people. No one dare sneeze in this city without this guy's permission. And now he has asked for me by name. Stipulated what I should wear, even the song I have to sing, and you say he must like me. None of that is making me feel any better about this you know." (Y/n) said sarcastically, as Don crouched down in front of her, taking her hands in his.

"Look kid, you know I wouldn't ask you to do this if I had any other option, but as it is I don't. What Ramsay Bolton wants; Ramsay Bolton gets." Don explained, squeezing her hands in a vain attempt to comfort the young woman.

(Y/n) sighed, she knew that Don was right, he really did have no choice and nor did she. What Ramsay wants, Ramsay gets, and if you didn't believe that, then you probably wouldn't be alive too long. She tried to comfort herself with the fact that of all the people that Ramsay had killed, they were usually people that had wronged him, or were a threat to one of his many "business" dealings. So, she just hoped that she and Ramsay had not bumped into one another, before he had killed his father and taken over the firm.

"Ok Don. What Ramsay wants; Ramsay gets." (Y/n) told a slightly happier looking Don.

"Good girl, now you better get changed and warmed up. Ramsay and his entourage are due to be here at 7." Don said, as he looked at the clock, before opening the door to leave.

"Just do what you do every performance (Y/n) and knock him dead." Don smiled, leaving her to contemplate, what could be a very short future if she didn't knock him dead.

After finishing her hair and makeup (Y/n) put on the dress that the crime boss had stipulated she wear. To say it was slightly scandalous would be an understatement. The back of the dress was cut down so low that it exposed all of her body right down to the small of her back. The front plunged so dramatically that if it had gone down any further, she would have been arrested for indecent exposure. Yet, as she made her finishing touches, (Y/n) had to admit that she felt strangely sexy. There was something about being so exposed that made her feel vulnerable, yet excited. And the thought of appearing in such a garment in front of a dangerous man like Ramsay Bolton, was unexpectedly, making her insides heat up in the most wonderful ways.

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