Queen of storms - Viserys x Reader

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I haven't done a Viserys imagine for quite some time, so I got the idea for this little offering. Hope you enjoy.🐲😈 

She didn't know what it was about storms that made her feel so happy. So at peace. To most, the sound of roaring winds and heavy rain. The sudden bright flash of lightning, and the cacophonous rumble of angry thunder, would send them scurrying for safety. For warmth. Yet here she was in the eye of the storm. The rain lashing at her body as she smiled happily. A feeling of peace surrounding her as the storm roared and raged.

Since she and Viserys had made their way back to Kings Landing with Drogo's men in tow. Since the coward child king, Joffrey, had surrendered the Iron Throne to the two Targaryen's. Since the twin dragons had fought against the combined Baratheon, Lannister forces, that had been sent after them by Cersei. Since there had once again been a dragon on the Iron Throne, every night had been like this. And the reason for it, was (Y/n) Targaryen. For Daenerys may have been the mother of Dragons, but her older sister was the Queen of the Storms. The mother of the winds, sister of the rain. Daughter of the lightning and thunder. And she was mistress of them all.

(Y/n) was the only one of the three remaining children of the Mad King, that had managed to escape the insanity of her ancestors. Her steady hand controlling her brother's temper. The queen able to calm Viserys extremes, with just a touch of her hand and a soft word. The lady able to quell the maelstrom inside her husband, as easily as she could the tempest that currently surrounded her. The only time she had not been able to soothe him, or herself, had been when their sister had attacked the capital. Daenerys determined to have the throne for herself, or leave Kings Landing in rubble around her siblings. Yet the youngest Targaryen had found that her dragons, as mighty and fearsome as they may have been, were no match for the ferocity that (Y/n) had at her command. Nothing compared to the sheer rage, violence, and death that (Y/n) could summon.

(Y/n) had washed away most of her sister's forces, in the first wave. The queen standing defiantly atop the highest tower of the Red Keep, as Dany and her dragons flew around her. Viserys and the new Targaryen forces fighting below. The rain and winds called on by the lady, to bring down their worst against Daenerys' men. Viserys and his forces barely having to raise their swords, as they watched their foes drowned by the torrents of rain that (Y/n) unleashed. Or thrown like ragdolls by the winds that seemed to come from every direction. Their bodies landing crumpled and broken on the floor. The dragon's and her sister brought down by the crack after crack of lightning, and a whirlwind that ripped at the huge creature's wings. The beasts and the treasonous Targaryen, plummeting to their deaths. And now that their traitor sister was dead, the Seven Kingdoms once again belonged to the two dragons.

"My love!?" A voice called out, barely audible over the rumble and roar of the raging squall. (Y/n) turning to see the face of her husband in the doorway to the tower.

"You should come in. It is late. The maestre said that you must rest." Viserys continued. The wild winds and heavy rain instantly ceasing as the beauteous, pale haired dragon slowly moved her hand. Leaving only the rumble of groaning thunder in the distance.

"But they like it, Viserys. I know they like it. I can feel their happiness as the lightning cracks in the sky. As the thunder grumbles and groans." (Y/n) explained, as she made her way over to her brother. The king of the Iron Throne finally daring to take a step outside, now that the storm had subsided. His arm wrapping around the shoulder of his drenched queen, as his hand rested softy on his sisters ever growing belly. Viserys able to feel his heirs kick and squirm inside the body of his love.

As much as he had always wanted back the Iron Throne. To reclaim his rightful seat. Viserys knew that he could never have done all of this without (Y/n). She had always been the only one that he truly trusted. The only one that he knew would never betray him. They had grown in their mother's womb together. Been born only moments apart. The two barely leaving one another's sides as they had grown. He had always known that he wanted her to be his wife, even before they had come of age, he had wanted her. Dreamt about her. Desired her. And when the time had been right, he had taken her, hard. (Y/n) more than happy to surrender to his every whim. His every depraved desire, and wish, as he took her over and over again. The twin dragons fulfilling their destiny, as they promised themselves to one another. Promised to bring the dragons back to Kings Landing. And to make all those that had betrayed them. All those that had turned against their father, and their family, suffer. And they had. No one now daring to question the rule of the two dragons. Especially when the beggar king, had the queen of storms by his side. A queen that would soon give birth to the continuation of the line of Targaryen's.

"I am sure that they do, my sweet. It is more than obvious that they already take after their beautiful mother. My exquisite sister. And they are only the first. Our children, and their children's children, will rule over the Seven Kingdoms for a thousand years. And with us standing together, no one will dare challenge us." Viserys cooed softly. His lips brushing against the skin of (Y/n)'s neck. The feel of his sister's body against his, always sending his mind racing. His lust driving him wild, as he looked down at the thin, wet nightgown that that clung to her body. Her rounded, supple flesh calling out to him, as the thunder continued to rumble in the far distance.

"Do you think the little ones would mind if I showed their mother how much I love her? I have a desire to take my queen. There is something quite arousing about watching you as the wind and rain lash at your flesh. As the lightning flashes in your beautiful eyes. As you stand there appearing more exquisite then ever. More perfect then ever." Viserys hummed, as he led his bride back into the Keep. His ardour growing as (Y/n) stopped and began to peel the sodden material from her body. The lady standing before her brother as naked as the day that they had been born.

"I don't think that they would mind at all, my king. And I most certainly wouldn't. So, why doesn't the king of the Iron Throne, show the queen of storms how much he does truly want her. How he would do anything for her." (Y/n) cooed softly as her naked form pressed up against her brothers. Viserys' hand brushing over her breasts as he smiled softly. The twin dragons making their way to their room. The heavens opening once again. The storm more ferocious than ever before, as the twin dragons light up the night sky in their own inimitable way.    

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