Fate - Part 2 - Jaime x Reader

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Paris was its usual chaotic self. The mules and carts of traders travelling to-and-fro. The carriages of the nobility with pristine looking drivers and well cared for horses picking their way through the mass of moving bodies, rubbish and waste. It was a magnificent dirty city. All of the splendours of the civilised world at your fingertips. Yet despite all that, Jaime had realised that the capital had been missing one thing. The one thing that, in his eyes at least, made it now the greatest place in the world. And that was (Y/n).

He had to admit that he couldn't remember a day that he had enjoyed himself so much. Well, at least since he had left his old life behind. Since he had left (Y/n) behind. And even though Robb, Tormund, and Jon had been able to monopolise all of (Y/n)'s time, just being able to look at her face again after all those long years. Just to feel his heart skip a beat every time she smiled at him, for now, was enough. Though he had to admit that every time she did look at him, he could really only think about her marriage. About how she would find herself forced to be with a man that would never understand her. That would never know who or what (Y/n) really was. A man that would force her to be something she wasn't. That would make her throw away her stick swords and muddy dresses, in favour of a sewing needle and a quiet, obedient life. Jaime knew that such a life would be difficult for (Y/n). She was far too headstrong to be quiet and obedient. Too filled with dreams to wish for a boring life. She had spoken of the Musketeers long before Jaime had ever thought about joining their ranks. Gone on about their daring escapades. How she had wished that she had not been born a girl so that she could run away to Paris and join the Kings special guards. And that one day, despite her gender. She would be able to wear the fleur de lis crest, proudly. Yet now, here she was, looking every inch like the lady that she had never wanted to be. And despite her sweet smile, Jaime knew her well enough to know, that her quick and intelligent mind was trying to think of ways that she could get herself out of this current predicament.

"I think that that is a wonderful idea, Tormund." (Y/n) suddenly said. Jaime shaken from his thoughts at the thought of what Tormund's wonderful idea could possibly be.

"What's a wonderful idea?" Jaime enquired. Not sure that he liked the smile on the big man's face.

"Tormund has suggested that we go to the nearest tavern. And I happen to think that that is a magnificent idea." (Y/n) replied, as she took hold of the grinning Tormund's arm.

"A tavern? I don't think that would be a good idea, (Y/n). There are no establishments around here that would be suitable for a lady. Perhaps........"

"Then, Jaime. It is good that I am not a lady. And I have every intention of being as unladylike as possible until I am forced to marry. So, I think that Tormund's idea it absolutely wonderful." (Y/n) interrupted. The others smiling at him, as they crowded around her.

"You know, Jaime. You were always such a worrier. Always fussing. You should learn to enjoy life a little more, and not take things so seriously." (Y/n) added before turning around and continuing on her way down the street, with Tormund, Robb and Jon in tow. Leaving Jaime to catch up. The Musketeer feeling as though he was young again, and that once more (Y/n) was leading him into an adventure.


"To (Y/n). Welcome to Paris. The city is more perfect for having you in it." Robb announced as he and the others raised their glasses in salute. The musketeers clinking their glasses with the Countess. All of them, in particular Tormund, refraining from what they would normally do, which would be to see who could down the contents, the quickest.

"And it is a pleasure to be here. I only wish I had made the journey sooner. Then I would have been able to spend more time with my dear friend Jaime, and all of you." (Y/n) replied, a soft sigh following her words as she raised her own glass. Jaime able to see in her eyes, the look of sadness that she had so desperately been trying to hide.

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