The Flayer - Part 7 - Ramsay x Reader

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So, I decided to bring this imagine back. I'm not going to let one person's opinion change what I do, or how I write. I have never claimed to be an expert in writing crime fiction. And I am most certainly not Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Ruth Rendell, or anyone else. If you are looking for proper crime stories, there are plenty out there, and I recommend them to you. But, if you are just looking for crazy stories for GoT characters, then I'm your girl. So, as always. Please, please enjoy.

"So, visiting, huh?" Ramsay asked, as he poured yet another shot.

"Yeah. I thought that a nice trip up to the freezing north would do me the world of good. I mean, who in their right mind would want to sun themselves in Dorne or the Summer Isles for their vacation. No. I prefer to freeze my ass off, and possibly get hypothermia on my holidays." (Y/n) chuckled. Placing her already empty glass back on the bar.

"I know what ya mean. Sun, sea and sand are so overrated. I mean, who really wants a tan anyway? Fancy fruit drinks don't make up for sun burn and bug bites." Ramsay replied, as he downed his own drink.

"Yeah. Those froufrou drink always taste like crap anyway. Give me a handsome northern stranger with a good bottle of vodka, and a heavy pouring hand and I am a happy girl." (Y/n) agreed. Holding out her glass for said handsome northerner to refill it.

"You sure that ya can handle this? I don't mean to be rude, but ya look dead on ya feet. Wouldn't you prefer to be in bed?" Ramsay asked, looking between (Y/n) and the empty glass. (Y/n) moving a little closer so that she could tip the end of the bottle, up. The clear liquid slopping into her glass. Her eyes completely focused on Ramsay's dark orbs.

"Oh, believe me. I can handle this and so much more., if you are offering to be in that bed. I might be interested in joining you." (Y/n) cooed. Downing her new drink and moving even closer to the man by her side.

This wasn't what she would normally do. One night stands were not her thing. Yet the last couple of days had taken their toll, and she wanted, needed something, that would make the thoughts leave her mind. Even if only for an hour or so. To feel that there was more to life, than death. More than all the evils of the world. And this ever so wickedly beautiful man, just looked like the perfect thing to give her that.


The door to the hotel room burst open. Two figures almost falling through as hands clawed desperately at clothing. Lips kissed bare skin. And teeth nipped at flesh. The journey between the bar and the hotel had been a blur. (Y/n) not caring that she was in the car with a complete and utter stranger. That his hands were all over her. His voice low and dangerous as he whispered into her ear all the things that he had planned to do to her. She was surprised that they had even made it to her room. (Y/n) would have been more than happy to just straddle his lap while he was sat in the passenger seat. Happy to let him take her there and then. Yet the cold had won out, and here they were. Frantically pulling at their own, and each other's clothing. Ramsay picking her up and carrying her to the bed. (Y/n)'s legs firmly wrapped around his waist. The two dropping as they reached the mattress. (Y/n) finding that all thoughts of death, murder, and the so called Flayer had left her mind, as the deep musky smell from the man that was now buried deep inside her, her body writhing in pleasure as nibbled at her skin, filled her senses. (Y/n) savouring the touch of a man, for the first time in what seemed like a lifetime, or at least since her unfortunate interaction with the last serial killer that she had looked for. Hoping that the rest of the dark northern night could last forever.


"Leaving so soon?" Ramsay asked, as he watched (Y/n) quietly get dressed. The agent pulling back her hair and twirling it up into a bun on top of her head.

"Afraid so. I have a little business to take care of. Unfortunately, I don't have a choice. If you haven't worked it out yet. I'm not just here on some masochistic, I want to freeze to death, vacation. I have a job to do." (Y/n) replied, as she took a seat on the bed, brushing her fingers through Ramsay's messy hair and kissing him softly on the lips.

"Didn't think for one second that ya were. No one is crazy enough to come up here in the dead of winter. Even the locals try and get away if they can. You're the Fed that's come up to help the Starks with this killer, aren't ya?" Ramsay said, as he pulled (Y/n) back onto the bed. Pushing her back into the mattress as he placed himself back between her legs.

"Very good. What gave it away? The badge, the gun, or the G man suit?" (Y/n) chuckled. Half-heartedly trying to fight Ramsay off as he kissed her neck.

"It's a small town, news travels fast. And when Robb Stark and his bastard brother are seen chauffeuring a mysteriously beautiful stranger to and from the police precinct. Well, ya don't have to be a genius to work it out." Ramsay replied. (Y/n) moaning as his hot breath fanned over her skin.

"Is that right? So, you knew who I was last night, when we met at the bar? Do you have a thing for federal agents, Ramsay?" (Y/n) enquired as Ramsay looked down at her. (Y/n) now hating the idea of having to leave the nice warm bed, and Ramsay's nice warm body, for another day in the snow, or a trip to the morgue.

"Only exquisite federal agents, that have a thing for handsome northerners with bottles of vodka, and heavy pouring hands." Ramsay told her with a laugh. Groaning as he found himself once again alone on the bed, as (Y/n) managed to push him off and get to her feet.

"Well then, you will know that I have to go. That it's important that I help catch this killer before anyone else dies." (Y/n) informed him, as she pulled her jacket around her shoulders, and placed her gun in her shoulder holster.

"So, ya just gonna throw me away now that you've had your wicked way with me? I should have known you were the kinda girl to not respect a boy in the morning. You big city types are all the same." Ramsay mocked, ducking as (Y/n) threw a sofa cushion at his head.

"I know. I am such a cad. I didn't even buy you flowers first. But, if you're interested, and I can finish up early enough. I'll meet you at the bar at nine. And we can er.........maybe get to know one another a little better." (Y/n) said as she made for the door. Looking at the naked man in her bed one last time before she left the room.


The drive to the precinct seemed to be taking forever. Her mind filled with images of what had happened the night before. Of Robb and Jon that were probably waiting for her to show. A strange sense of guilt sitting heavy in the pit of her stomach. She didn't mean to blow her own trumpet, but both men seemed to be more than interested in her. And she wasn't averse to the flirtation. (Y/n) had to admit that they both seemed to have the sweetest natures, despite their difficult job. They were both exceptionally handsome, and it was true that they had all got along well since she had been there. But she knew how difficult romantic liaisons with other members of law enforcement could be.

Years earlier she had found herself in a relationship with a member of the local police that were stationed near Quantico. It had been good to begin with, he understood the difficulties of doing the job they did, and how it affected not only them, but those around them. But soon enough he seemed to become jealous. Not liking the fact that she worked so much, or that she sometimes had to spend long periods of time away. Or that she was, in his words, some highfaluting FBI Agent. And the whole thing had ended messily, leaving her more determined to just bury herself in her work. So maybe, a hook up here and there with her dark stranger, might just be a better decision than getting herself entangled with a cop that she would probably never see again after the job was over. That Ramsay could work out to be just the distraction she needed to help give her a new perspective on things. The thing that could help her mind reset and allow her to see the case from a different angle. Yet she couldn't help but think that something was not quite right about him. The little voice in her ear telling her to be careful. To think. To...........

"Morning (Y/n). Ready for another day playing in the snow?" A chirpy voice enquired. (Y/n) finally realising that she had arrived at the precinct, and that Robb and Jon were looking through the passenger side window at her. Their smiling faces making her push the nagging voice to the back of her mind.

"Ready when you are boys. Let's go find this son of a bitch." 

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