Se sȳndor morgho - Part 10 - Tyrion x Reader

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Tyrion couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he watched (Y/n). As he watched the armour clad warrior, grin like a child as she stood at the rail of the ship and looked out over the vast expanse of water. Seemingly lost in her own thoughts. Not that he could blame her. He couldn't even imagine what was going through her mind. The thoughts that were bombarding her. What the new sights, smells and sounds were making her think. Though given all the questions she had been asking him since they had arrived at the docks with a still staggering Bronn. Tyrion was sure that it was a lot.

After their rather nice last breakfast in the rooms. The warrior and little lord continuing their conversation from the night before. (Y/n) slowly seeming to become more and more relaxed about calling him by his name. About the fact that she was now free to do as she wished. That she was no longer a slave. That he didn't expect her treat him as though he were her master. But as a friend. The two had finished packing the belongings that Tyrion had brought with him. The youngest Lannister trying his best not to laugh as he chastised the fighter, for kicking Bronn to wake him up. As she had informed the sellsword that he was a drunken pig, and that he better move his stinking ale soak carcass, if he wished to join the two of them on the ship. The fighter once again telling Tyrion that she believed that they should just leave Bronn there, as he had slowly sat up. As he had struggled to his feet using every available piece of furniture. The sellsword huffing and comparing (Y/n) to Sandor again. Saying that the two were made for one another. That she wasn't the boss of him. And that he would go wherever he pleased. The lord and his new bodyguard waiting impatiently, as Bronn had struggled to push his few items into a bag.

The journey to the docks had once again involved a lot of stunned looks and hushed whispers, as (Y/n) had made her way through the streets. The look of her walking next to the little man and the bleary eyed sellsword in all her armour and grotesque appearing helmet, causing even more of a stir than it had done the day before. Even the rough, hardened sailors on the docks respectfully moving out of the warrior's way as the strange looking trio had made their way up the gangplank. Yet as the coast of Essos began to disappear into the distance, (Y/n) had finally removed her helmet. Tyrion hoping that as her old world disappeared, (Y/n) might finally feel that she could  let go of Se sȳndor morgho. That she could finally be just (Y/n).

"What are you chuckling about?" Tyrion asked, as he made his way over to the warrior. Smiling up at her as he joined her at the railings.

"Your fool over there. You were quite right about bringing him. I don't think I have ever seen anything as amusing as watching that man empty his stomach into the sea. I have heard less pitiful groans from dying dogs." (Y/n) chuckled. She and Tyrion watching as Bronn hung his head over the other side of the ship. As he was sick for the third time since they had set sail.

"See, I told you that it was best to allow the sea to teach him a lesson. He is suffering far more being here, than he would have done if we had just left him in Meereen. Believe me, if we had gone without him, he would have eventually woken up, and just made his way back to the brothels. Probably not even realising that we had gone." Tyrion chuckled in reply. The little lord turning his attention back to the sea, as Bronn slumped onto the deck. Wiping the latest vomit from his chin, with the back of his hand.

"So, is it everything that you ever imagined?" The little man continued, as the taller woman by his side, turned her own gaze back to the sea.

"It is everything and more. Not even my little mouse made it sound as wonderful as it really is. The smell. The feel of the water against my skin. It is breathtaking . I suppose I must seem like a child. Amazed by things that a man like you takes for granted. Even a man like your still drunk fool takes for granted. Yet I believed that I would only ever be able to dream of seeing things like this. My dreams the only freedom that I had ever known. The visions in my mind allowing me to travel out of the darkness. Out of the pits. Out of the horror. To be something more than just a killer. And now, now those visions are becoming true. Now I have hope. Hope that I can have a real life. That I can do something more than just die one day in the pits. That perhaps I might one day find a man to stand by my side. Though I doubt that there are many men that would wish to have a woman like me. That they wish their women to be more feminine. Softer. Not a scarred and deadly pit fighter." (Y/n) replied. A soft sigh leaving her lips, as she looked down at the sea crash against the sides of the ship.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I am sure that any man worth his salt would be proud to stand by your side. That the right man would be overjoyed to call you his.........."

"Is that right?" (Y/n) smiled, as she turned to look at the small man by her side.

"And did you have a particular man in mind that might be overjoyed to call me his? Perhaps this Sandor that your fool keeps comparing me to.............Or........perhaps there may be a man a little closer than the one waiting in your Kings Landing. A man that is much closer right now............" The warrior interrupted. Her smile growing broader, as Tyrion's eyes grew wider.

"I............." Tyrion blurted out. The little man finding himself lost for words in for what he was sure, was the first time in his life, as the beautiful warrior placed her hand over his. The youngest Lannister knowing that he would be more than happy to take the rest of this conversation anywhere that (Y/n) would like.

"I need a drink." A voice came. Tyrion grumbling under his breath, as he turned to look at Bronn. The sellsword having no idea, or even if he did, not caring that he had just interrupted something.

"There is some wine in the cabin below deck. Perhaps we should all make our way down there. We have some time before we arrive back in Westeros. And the weather appears that it will soon take a turn for the worse." Tyrion told the sellsword as he looked at the looming clouds. The little lion shaking his head, as Bronn stumbled across the deck. Tyrion's fingers intertwining with (Y/n)'s, as they slowly followed after him.

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