Last of his line - Tyrion x Reader

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I felt the need for a Tyrion fix. Hope you enjoy😄

Tyrion sat next to the fire in his rooms. A glass of wine in his hand as he stared into the flames. His new role as the Hand to King Bran certainly kept him busy, yet occasionally he had time to sit and reflect on the world and his life. Reflect on the fact that he was the last of his line.

He had certainly had his fill of women in his life. Yet what did he have to show for it? He had an annulled marriage. An unconsummated marriage. And a lover that he had killed himself, by strangling her with the chains that symbolised their love. So, in other words, nothing. He had no heirs. No one to carry on his name. To follow in his footsteps. He had no one to share his life with. No one to love him. And as he had grown older, he had begun to believe that he never would be. That his line would die with him.

Normally, he didn't have time to think about these sad things. But when he did, the feeling of emptiness, the feeling of loneliness, that seemed overwhelming, would come flooding back. And it wasn't just that he felt alone in a cold world. He also felt lonely. Not just a normal lonely, but a heartbreaking, gut wrenching, soul sapping loneliness, that most of the time he was sure that only he felt. Though he still hoped. Hoped that out there, in this new world, there was someone that was truly meant for him. That would care for him. Love him. Give him an heir to whom he could pass the title that his father had denied him for so many years. And most of all, he hoped that that woman would be (Y/n).

(Y/n) was Bran's newly appointed Mistress of Whispers. No one was quite sure where she had come from. Yet the Three-Eyed Raven, had assured his Hand and the other member of his small council, that the mysterious lady was the only one for the job. And since she had arrived and taken her role, Tyrion had begun to believe that Bran could have not made a finer choice. And there was also something about her, that made him smile. Made him laugh. And both of those, were things that Tyrion hadn't done in a long time. Things that he thought that he would never do again.

Tyrion had found that as the days passed, he had looked forward to seeing (Y/n) more and more. He would make sure that she sat next to him at the council meetings. Whenever she walked in the gardens, he would try and ensure that all his business was taken care of, so that he could join her. Finding himself falling helplessly in love. The little lord telling her all about his life before the war. About what he wanted for his new life. And each time she would smile and tell him that she was sure that one day, the right woman would come along and love him as he deserved. Would be happy to spend the rest of her life with him and give him all his heart desired. Yet, he knew that in her, he had already found the woman he needed. Now all he had to do, was summon up the courage to tell her.

He couldn't help but laugh at himself as he took a drink of his wine. Despite his small stature, and the way he had been treated by many others during his life, he had never had any problems when it came to the fairer sex. But after the death of Shea and his father, he had become cynical and pessimistic. Happy to drink himself to death. And even though trying to keep Daenerys from becoming like her father, had given him back his will to live, he had seemed to keep that inner pessimist. That little voice that continued to tell him he would never be seen as anything more than the imp. The half man. The Demon Monkey. Yet since (Y/n) had come into his life, there had been another voice. A voice that told him that he deserved more. That he was the Hand of the King. The Lord of Casterly Rock. And if he wanted (Y/n), he would have to stop doubting himself. He would have to show her that there was something to love.

"Come." Tyrion shouted out, as a knock came to the door. The ingress slowly opening to reveal the smiling face of the woman that he had been thinking about.

The little lord would swear, that if he didn't know better, he could believe that (Y/n) could read his mind. That she knew almost every thought that he had. Though he had to admit, that he was happy that she didn't know all of his thoughts. Yet, she did have a habit of appearing whenever he needed her the most. And tonight, was no exception.

"I thought that you might want a little company. You seemed so quiet at the small council meeting, earlier. And you didn't even smile at me once. Would you mind if I joined you?" (Y/n) said, as she walked through the door. Happily closing it behind her as Tyrion nodded his head.

"I would like that very much, (Y/n). And please forgive me for earlier. I was.......I was a little distracted. Lost in my own thoughts." Tyrion explained. Finding himself smiling once again as (Y/n) took a seat across from him. The Mistress of Whispers thanking him, as he handed her a drink.

"And, if it doesn't sound as though I am prying. May I ask what these distracting thoughts were?" (Y/n) asked. Taking a sip of her wine and leaning back in her chair, waiting for his answer. Tyrion able to see why Bran had appointed (Y/n) as his Mistress of Whispers. The little lion finding himself more than happy to tell the captivating beauty, anything that she wanted to know.

"The same as always, I suppose. Life. Love. Or more precisely, the lack of love. Loneliness. The end of my line. The fact that I have no one to spend the rest of my life with. And the fact that I believe that I have found the woman that may be the one to chase away the loneliness, yet I don't seem to be able to find the right words to tell her how I feel." Tyrion explained. His gaze turning back to the flickering fire, as he wondered whether the gods had brought (Y/n) to his rooms for a reason. Whether he was being given a sign, that this was the time to tell her how he felt.

"You really think that you have found her? Well, if you would be happy to take a little advise concerning your current predicament, I would say that this lady of yours, may already know how you feel. That she may simply have been waiting for you to say something, before she herself, told you of her own feelings. I would say that she would love to be the one that chased away your loneliness. The one that loved you, and had you love her in return. That she would be happy to spend the rest of her life with you, and give you as many heirs as your heart desires. And I would further suggest that she would willingly give you all that, as long as she knew that you would love her for the rest of your days. That you would never hurt or leave her. But, that are just my opinion, of course." (Y/n) told him. Tyrion turning his gaze from the flames to look at the lady. Her eyes, as his had been, firmly set on the crackling wood in the hearth.

"So, if I were to say to her, that if she loved me as much as I love her, then I would devote the rest of my day to making her happy. To making her smile. To give her all that she could ever want and more. To ask her if she would be my bride. What do you think, in your opinion of course, that she would say in reply?" Tyrion asked as he got down from his chair and made his way over to her. The little lord taking the Mistress of Whispers hand in his. His heart pounding in his chest, as she turned her gaze so that she was staring deep into green orbs.

"I would say, in my opinion, that she would be more than happy to be your bride. And that perhaps the moment might be right, for a long waited for kiss." (Y/n) replied. A soft smile pulling at the corner of her lips as the little lord moved closer. His lips ghosting over hers as he raised his hand and combed it delicately through her hair,

"Marry me?" Tyrion asked. As his lips finally met (Y/n)'s. The little pessimistic voice in his mind, seeming to vanish as he felt the warmth of her gentle kiss.

"I would love to." Was (Y/n)'s reply, as she wrapped her arms around him, and pulled him close.

The little lion sure that he was never going to feel lonely again. And that he would no longer be the last of his line.  

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