Creatures of the night - Part 2 - Ramsay x Reader

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"Well, well, well, perhaps I should set my eye on your father, seeing it is he that now appears to think that he is good enough to call himself master of my home." The deep, husky voice growled, cutting through the silence of Ramsay's room in the deathly quiet castle. The bastard of Dreadfort sitting bolt upright in bed. His eyes scanning the black expanse for his visitor, but seeing nothing.

"You know, I did so enjoyed our little visits while you thought yourself king of my castle. And your father's ability to send you more men, was impressive and appreciated. I haven't had my bloodlust this satisfied in years. But to finally see you where you belong, back under your fathers' heel. No longer the lord of Winterfell, and little better than a servant. Is strangely gratifying." The voice said, as Ramsay felt the end of his bed dip down.

The room had got curiously darker despite the full moon hanging high in the air. Making it impossible for him to see further than his own hand in front of his face. But he didn't need to see, to know who his invisible visitor was. True to her word, the creature had seen him again, and the bodies of the Bolton bannermen had kept mounting.

Though she had had plenty of opportunity to dispatch him in the same way as she did his soldiers, she hadn't. And Ramsay was always curious as to why not. He couldn't believe that it was just due to the fact that she wanted to tease him. To see him suffer as he so enjoyed watching others suffer. To watch him squirm as he had tried to explain to his father what had happened to so many of his men. That she wanted to punish him for thinking that he could call the castle and the surrounding land, his.

"Come to gloat, have you? Or is it that you just can't stay away from me? If I didn't know better, I would say that you wanted a piece of me, but there again, what woman wouldn't?" Ramsay replied, with a sarcastic chuckle.

"You know, if your head got any bigger, Ramsay, you wouldn't be able to get out of this nice little cell of yours....... Oops! I mean room. And don't flatter yourself. I have eyes. I have killed far better looking men than you." The voice calmly retorted through the darkness.

"Well, if you don't want me, why haven't you killed me? It is not as though you haven't had plenty of opportunities. You have come and hounded me on an almost daily basis. So, just admit that you want me, and maybe, just maybe I can fulfill your fantasies." Ramsay whispered seductively, reaching his hand out to the end of the bed in an attempt to touch his visitor.

Suddenly a pale face appeared out of the gloom. The creature's lips curled backwards over her bright white teeth in a snarl.

"DON'T TEMPT ME BASTARD!" (Y/n) growled at him. Her face now mere inches from his.

"You are alive, because I choose to let you stay alive, nothing more. When I no longer need you or want to, I will bleed you dry and leave your limp lifeless body in the gutter where it belongs. For the dogs to piss on and the rats to gnaw at." The creature hissed loudly. Her hand roughly taking hold of his chin.

Ramsay's eyes grew wider, as (Y/n) softy placed her cheek next to his. Her lips close enough so that she could whisper softly in his ear. Ramsay unable to stop the chilled shudder that ran down his spine, as her body now pressed up against his. And if she had had a heartbeat, he could swear that he would be able to feel it against his.

"You know, I can smell you. There is something quite unique about the odour of your blood. As I get closer to you, I can hear it flow through your veins. The sound can be almost deafening when I am near you. I know I excite you Ramsay. I know how much you desire me. I know of the thoughts that bombard your mind of what could be, what it would be like to have me. I must admit that the thought of the taste of your blood. Of sinking my teeth into your flesh has a strange effect on me........ just one little taste." The creature moaned wantonly, as she placed her tongue flat against his neck, licking a long line up to the lobe of his ear.

"Do it!" Ramsay almost begged, as he pulled her closer. He could feel her razor sharp teeth brush against his skin, he could hear her deep, panting breaths, and he was sure that he would give anything if he could just know what it was to have her.

Without warning, he felt the harsh sting in his neck, as her teeth sank into his flesh. The pain vanishing almost instantly, to be replaced by something he had never felt before. His fingers gripping onto her body in an attempt to control the rush of adrenaline that coursed through him. His body, his soul, wanted to do nothing more than give itself to her. To sacrifice himself to her need for his blood. He wanted her, wanted to take her, to claim every inch of her body as his. He could feel his arousal grow as he felt her drink from him. As she moaned at the taste of him. Slowly she removed her teeth, licking the wound of the last drops of blood. Her eyes now bright red, glowing in the darkness of the room, his blood coating her lips and teeth.

"Do you want to taste yourself?" (Y/n) hummed, as she moved closer to his lips. Ramsay nodding frantically. The thought of tasting himself from her mouth. To taste what she tasted was more erotic than he could ever have imagined. As their lips connected, the feared bastard tasted the bitter flavour of iron that made him want to pull away. But then an unusual sweetness took its place, it was strangely intoxicating, and he found himself wanting more.

He began to pull at her clothes, desperately trying to remove the barrier between his body and her. He could feel her nails, rip at the material of the thin shirt that covered his form. The two caught up in a crazed bloodlust that only the others body could satisfy.

As the torn clothes fell to the floor, their bodies crashed together, hands and lips exploring every part of the other. She pulled him on top of her, allowing him to take her body, a visible shudder coursing through her as he entered her, feeling himself enveloped in her coolness. With each thrust he went deeper, her hands pulling him down as her hips moved in sync with his.

"I need more, I need more of you. Please." (Y/n) pleaded, as she gripped his hair. Pulling his head down so that her teeth were once again brushing his throat.

"Then take it." Ramsay groaned. A lewd mewl leaving his lips as her teeth sunk into his neck once again.

Ramsay began to shake as a feeling of immense pleasure flooded his body. Every one of his nerve endings coming alive, as though a bolt of lightning had just hit him. He was delirious with satisfaction. The feeling of her draining his life blood, as well as the feeling of being inside her, was nothing other than supernatural. As she withdrew her teeth, his mouth found hers. His tongue exploring its hidden depths, as he took his blood from her lips. The taste of his vital fluid, driving him towards the edge.

Slowly, (Y/n) sank her teeth into her own wrist. The deep crimson liquid gradually trickling down her arm. Without even a second thought, Ramsay took the wound and placed it to his mouth, her blood coursing down his throat. He could feel her shake, he could feel her every muscle convulse. He could feel everything of her, as if she was part of him, as finally they fell over the edge into a euphoric abyss.

"You are mine now." (Y/n) said, as she combed her long fingers through his sweat soaked hair. Ramsay knowing that he couldn't argue. He had tasted her just as much as she had tasted him. He could feel her within him now. He could feel what she felt. The closeness of death, making him feel more alive than he ever had in his life. His mind spinning as she once again allowed him do drink from her.

"Sleep now, you need to rest. And I now have to feed. There is more than one wicked soul left in Winterfell, and I'm sure that your father is used to losing his men by now. We will meet again Ramsay; you can be sure of that." (Y/n) said. Ramsay finding it impossible to stave off the need for slumber as she spoke. His eyes growing heavy as she left his side. And as his eyes finally closed, he knew that he would see his creature of the night again. Soon.  

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