Chapter 19 From Cradle to Grave

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My hands were forced down against the stand as more energy ran through my bloodstream, trying to find a way out. I yelled at the women to let me go as Genevieve whispered ways to calm me down. But I couldn't feel calm at this moment. I wanted to be with my family. I wanted Elijah and Hayley and Bex and Klaus. I wanted all of them here just like before. I didn't want to be alone with people who I hated. I wanted to be with the people that I loved. As if on cue, the doors of the church slammed opened. I turned my head to see a limping Klaus making his way towards me. I almost smiled when I saw him. I begged my body to get up, but I was pushed down by the witches and the magic surge inside. I watched helplessly as Klaus killed the bodyguard and staggered towards us. But he was stopped by the witches' magic. It lifted him and held him to the wall close to us, but not enough actually to help. I stared at him in desperation. However, he couldn't do anything because he was in the same situation as me.

I shrieked out in pain as my head rolled to the side. "You should know this brings me no joy," Genevieve said to Klaus as he hung on the wall. I felt sweat drip down my face as my body temperature raised while I continued to cried out. I felt tears come to my eyes as Genevieve came closer with a dagger. "I promise I'll make it quick," I begged them to stop. I prayed to be let go. I begged Klaus to be by my side. But nothing was working. I felt a sheet being laid on top of me to cover my legs. "Let's begin, shall we?"

I cried out as they helped me through the birth. I tried with all my might to keep her in for a bit longer. But I couldn't; it was time. I didn't want this. I yelled out as I heard Klaus screamed threats. Tears clouded my eyes as I begged for this to be over, for them to die and blow away. As I pushed as hard as I could to birth my child, I stopped fighting the end. I wouldn't be able to be with her much longer. I couldn't spend it begging for this to stop and for them to let me go. I knew I was getting closer to death with every push. I calmed my mind and started chanting.

Power inside of me. I summon you to protect my child from evil before me. I call upon thee. Protect her with my last breath.

I wanted her to live a long life even if I couldn't be in it. I begged the magic inside of me to transfer to my child to protect her. I would protect her even when I wouldn't be there. She will have Hayley and Elijah. She would have Klaus, her father, to protect her. To save her from the witches. To keep her safe. I screamed out again as I felt my child coming out quicker. I gripped the stone as I continued to push. To bring her into a world that was supposed to protect her with her family. My tears ran down my face as sweat dripped on the stone. Finally, I heard the dreaded words. "One more big push." My cleared mind focused on my child. My body pushed as hard as it could. My child was born into the world. All the long months and morning sickness was worth it when I heard her cries. I laid back on the stone, exhausted from the labor. "Congratulations, it's a beautiful baby girl," Genevieve said as she held my child. I leaned up on my elbows as I listened to her cries. "We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky." She explained as she stared down at my daughter. She and the witches turned to leave.

"Please." They stopped to look at me. "Please, can I hold her?" I sat up straight as Genevieve came around. My arms were stretched out to get my baby. She was placed gently in my arms. I stared down at her beautiful hazel eyes. I held her close as she stared up at me. I smiled while a few tears ran down my face. I turned my head to look up at Klaus, who held tears in his eyes as well. My arms were where she belonged. She was quiet the whole time that she was lying next to me. But then, instantly as my happiness was there, it was snatched from me when cold metal cut into my throat. My hand went up to my neck to stop the bleeding. I choked on the blood as I was laid back on the stone. My life was slowly leaving my body. I had my child and then lost her in one split second. I knew my spell would work even if they worked around it. My last breath is dedicated to my daughter.

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