Chapter 41 A walk on the wild side.

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The loud pounding on the front door woke me up. I groaned as  I flipped the blankets off my body. I leaned over and picked up Erik's decarded yesterday's shirt and pulled it over my head. I quickly sped across the apartment and opened the front door. There stood Jackson holding more packages. I ran my hand through my hair as I stared at them. "What is this?" I rolled my eyes and let him into the apartment. "Packages are crowding the hallway." He said as he set the ones he had on the table.

"Yeah, I know. They are taking up the apartment too." I said as I rolled my eyes at the others.

"Where are they coming?" he asked as I watched his brother climb off the bed. "Rough night?"

"They are from someone I wish would lose interest in me," I said as I picked up one of the newer boxes. But an envelope dropped to the floor. I leaned down and picked up the letter. "He just needs to give up." I sighed as I ripped open the letter. "Could you guys help me gather them up?" I asked as they both nodded their heads and placed the new toys into trash bags.


 I brought the trash bags full of toys into Klaus's office. I looked up, annoyed as the group turned to look at me. "Oh, you're all here great," I said as I tossed the bags in the room.

"What are those?" Elijah asked as I picked up one of the bags.

"These are children's toys," I said as I ripped open the bag and poured the contents on the floor. Out poured many wooden toys and dolls onto the floor. "Presents from the Strix." Elijah and Klaus's eyes narrowed at the mention of the organization's name. "Every day, there is a new box outside of my door. This morning there were 20 of them in the hallway with this." I held out the ripped letter that I opened a few hours ago. "An invitation to a party tonight from Tristen." Klaus stepped over and took the note from my hand. He opened it and scanned over it. "Anyone want to explain to me why he is here in the first place?"

"Elijah was just catching me up on how they have no clue which one of their long-lost buddies they can trust and which one is trying to kill them," Hayley said as she turned back to Klaus as he crumpled the letter in his hand.

"I assume you told her about the bloody prophecy?" Klaus said as he looked back at his brother.

"What prophecy?" I asked as I stepped over the bags of toys.

"It appears my old mate Lucien has acquired a genuine seer, and to prove his good intentions, he got her to show us some rather dire visions of future doom," Klaus explained.

"Lucien?" I asked as I looked between the brothers. They both avoided my eyes. "Why am I just finding out that they are both in town? Next, you're going to tell me that the red-headed harlot is in town as well." I narrowed my eyes at Klaus as he smiled at my jealousy. "Doom for the family or just for you?" I asked.

"If it's just yours, then I think we're all okay with that," Hayley started as I crossed my arms.

"Well, sadly, we're all on the chopping block." Klaus laughed at the statement as he stepped closer to me. "But chin up, this witch claims her visions are constantly evolving."

"Great, sounds like a fun talk to me." I smiled as I turned towards Hayley. "I would love to meet her."



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