Chapter 48 Heart-shaped Box

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I let out a stiff breath as I listened to her leave. I glanced down at the child in my arms as I made my way into her room. Leaning down, and placed the bundle in the crib. I rolled my fingers over the pile of blankets. I watched as the cloaking spell vanished, turning the image of Hope back into a stuffed bear with a cut on its face from where Aurora cut it. Leaning out of the crib, I made my way into Hayley's old room. I could hear small sounds from the room corner next to the dresser. My head turned towards the window as I listened to the crowds below us. I stepped closer to the corner and pulled to sheet back, revealing my daughter sitting upright in her bed. A smile crossed my face as she reached her arm out to me. "Hello, my love," I said to her as I leaned down to pick her up and out of bed. "What are you doing up this late? Did you have a nice nap?" I rested her on my hip while she leaned her head on my shoulder. I gently kissed the top of her head. "Did you want to stay up and wait for your dad? Yes, you did, didn't you?" A small giggle exited her lips as I turned away from the bed. "Okay, let's stay up for daddy." 



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"The taxpayers of New Orleans deserve a skilled chief of police. How inept are you if not a single one of your men can locate the woman I seek?" Klaus said as he held a poor man over the railing outside of the room with a cup of coffee in his other hand. As if this was a standard way to wake up in the morning.

"We're trying." The man struggled out. "She's a ghost."

"Aurora de Martel is rather petite and may indeed be able to slip through the cracks like a wicked little cricket, but she is not a ghost," Klaus said as he glanced back at me. "Not yet. I think this city finest could try a bit harder."

"I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast," Freya said as she walked into the room with Elijah following behind.

"Niklaus, for heaven's sake, release the poor creature," Elijah spoke with annoyance laced through his tone.

"Gently." I sighed as I heard the man fall through the air and hit the pavement below with a groan. "I don't think that was gentle."

"He'll live," Klaus said with a smile as he made his way to the other side of the couch I was sitting on. "And he'll remember to do better." I rolled my eyes as he lifted my legs up and settled in under them as he took a sip from his cup.

"Is all this torture necessary?" Freya asked as she leaned against the wall close to us.

"Where have you been?" Klaus asked as he placed his hand on my leg.

"I was making sure that The Strix and their witches were out trying to find your looney ex-girlfriend," Marcel explained as he strutted into the room. "Is that okay by you—"

"Gentlemen, please." Elijah tried to settle the two of them.

"And she is not his ex-girlfriend." As I flipped the page in my spellbook, I stated, trying to find a locator spell to find the said woman.

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