Chapter 40 I'll see you in Hell or New Orleans.

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I sat under a tree as I watched the boys play with axes. Tristen taught Elijah the proper way to throw the battle-ax at the wooden target. Nik was sitting in a chair not far from them, craving yet another trinket for me to put in our room. I sighed as I felt the light breeze pass through the long grass under the tree. I glanced over the court, watching the others in peaceful activities. After Tristen threw the ax at the target, his eyes found me once again. My head turned away when I caught his green eyes. A small smile came to my face as I looked towards Nik. I stood up from my spot when I saw Lucien walking towards him. "It's impressive work, milord." I heard Lucien complemented Nik's woodwork.

"It's a trifle, meant to pass a dull day." He brushed it off like it was nothing. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the table to myself a drink. I picked up one of the cups off the table as I continued to listen in. "But I'll take it, along with the word of a friend."

"It is as a friend that I come to you now," Lucien said as he handed Nik his cup. "There is something I must ask of you." I watched as he pulled out a folded piece of paper from his clothes. Nik only glanced towards me as I turned my head to one of the nobles, acting as if I wasn't listening. "For the Lady Aurora." I could see Nik's face almost smiling with happiness that it wasn't for me. "If you would deliver this to her in secret, I would be eternally grateful."

"Are these declarations of love?" Nik smiled up at him as he lifted his cup to his lips. "It's a bold move."

"Oh, we shared affection for one another when we were children, but since then, my station in life has prohibited me from declaring my intentions," Lucien explained. I watched as he stared towards her when her brother wasn't looking. "If she would leave this place with me...."

"Not an idea I would advise." I heard Nik shut down. I already knew why. Aurora has already made many longing looks towards him, and he knew that if she wasn't needed for our stay here, I would have killed her a long time ago. "Besides, my family needs you." I rolled my eyes at his attempt to decline Lucien's request. Perhaps when we leave here, I will kill her before our departure.

"Your family staying here cannot last much longer, anyhow, not given your brother Kol's decadence," Lucien warned. He was right. Kol has been on the naughty side when dining with the nobles and leaving bodies everywhere. "The local villagers believe they are beset by demons. Soon, you'll need to run." I sighed at the truth. I felt a chill in the air as I turned towards the gathered people. Elijah was still talking amongst the nobles, and Aurora was staring intently at Nik and Lucien. My hand tightened on the brass cup in my hand as her eyes stayed on the two. I felt the metal under my fingers bend as I continued to watch. "Niklaus, Please," Lucien begged Nik as he held out the note for him. "I would give her the note myself, but Tristen's jealousy is tyrannical. I cannot go near her." I unclenched my hand around the brass cup and leaned off the table. I took a sip of the wine inside it and made my way over to the men. "But you? You need not fear him or anyone."

I reached out and snatched the note from in-between Lucien's grasp. They both turned and looked at me as I held the letter in my hand now. "There is only one person he should fear, isn't that right, Niklaus?" I said as I tucked the note in my dress with a smile. "His wife."

"That is correct, my love." He said as he pulled me closer to his body. "My wife is the only one I have to fear." Lucien smiled at the two of us.

"You do not have to worry, Lucien," I said as I glanced over at the siblings across the way. "I will give her your note," I suggested as Aurora's eyes fell away from Nik and Lucien. But Tristen's eyes remained on me as his eyes narrowed at Nik's hand on my waist. "You need not worry."

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