Chapter 1

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

"Alpha, the welcoming ceremony will commence in 10 minutes." my beta Simon informed me as he stepped into my office quietly. I looked up from my book at my friend and gave him a warm smile, "Thank you Simon, I'll be there shortly." I informed.

With a nod and a smile Simon left the room, leaving the room in silence once more, just how I liked it.

Simon was my childhood friend, we were very close and when I became Alpha it was a no brainer that I was going to make him my beta.

Even though he sometimes tried to put on a more professional approach, I made it very clear that I wanted his treatment of me when we were kids to stay the same. He said he feels a bit hesitant to do that at times, but I can see that he's getting used to it.

Today we were welcoming new members into our pack, The Crimson Moon Pack. I huffed in annoyance, it was not the name I would've chosen, it was just cringy and very old fashioned. As soon as I became Alpha I had tried to change it, but one stern talking to from the elders threw that suggestion right out the window. The elders of our pack didn't hold any authority over me, but keeping myself in their good graces was essential, they held a lot of influence amongst our members and were not the kind of people you wanted to piss off.

I stood up from my desk and look out my window at the small crowd of newcomers I'd be greeting today. I watched as they made their way towards the stage, some of them stood in couples either holding hands or hugging each other, some stood alone seeming happy whilst others seemed sad.

I sighed as my usual thoughts swam around in my head. I was 24 years old, an Alpha to a wonderful pack and yet I had no mate.

When we turn 18 they gain the ability to scent out their mate, everyone has a unique scent that only their mate can smell, that's how we find each other. My birthday, aswell as my coronation in becoming the Alpha six years ago ended in disappointment as I learnt my mate was not among my pack members.

I spent days sometimes weeks when I had the time, travelling outside the pack in search of my mate, trying to find them, trying to scent them out. Anything that would let me know that they were out there. But nothing ever came of it and as of 9 months ago I had simply given up.

Looking at my watch I realise it's time I made my way to the ceremony. I took a deep breath and exited my office and made my way through the pack house that housed many of our members. Most of our members lived in other houses throughout the pack with their families whilst others stayed here.

When I made it outside I felt a change in the air, the sound of people's breath hitching and the scent of Submission filled the air as I stepped up onto the stage.

I was a very dominant wolf, even before the powers of an Alpha were past onto me from my father I still managed to intimidate others. I didn't particularly like that part of me but with being an Alpha I couldn't stop it. I wasn't an unfair Alpha by any means, I had to be stern and cold to hold my position, but I was still open and welcoming to my pack and over the years they have all reassured me that they hold the upmost trust in me.

Those who know me best though know that I'm not that intimidating at all. Despite my aura I was kind and friendly with others, I always wanted to help out when I could and spend time with my loved ones.

I faced my pack with strength and power. My stomach tightened a bit when I see some people tense but the small smiles that form on their faces manage to ease my worries away with everyone relaxing eventually.

Our pack didn't just contain wolves, we had Vampires, Witches and Warlocks. We were a pack that strived on diversity amongst our members, a moral that made us the strongest pack in the world.

Most packs didn't allow other species to join, wanting to remain werewolves only. We however were one of the rarer packs who believed in diversity.

"Today is another special day, a day where we welcome new members into our pack. To give them a new home, a new beginning and a chance at a new life." I spoke aloud, my voice booming with power.

My pack roared with joy, whistles and shouts could be heard from every corner of the crowd.

Although the wolves among the new members are considered Rogues, they are still intact with their sanity, which makes it safe to allow them to join our pack.

When a wolf becomes a rogue it usually takes a few months before they turn feral, and that's when you lose them completely.

In order to join our pack each wolf has to undergo a test to see that their mind hasn't strayed so that it's safe to allow them into the Pack.

Once joining a new pack the mental state of a rogue dwindles and they go back to the wolves they were before they left they're previous pack.

"I will now ask our new members to come forth one by one as you will be accepted into The Crimson Moon Pack."

There was then silence, followed by applause for each person made thir way up onto the stage. One by one they each stood before me as I marked them into the pack, our packs symbol now lay behind their left ear. 

As the last wolf received their mark I felt the air in my lunges vanish, I struggled to breath as two very strong scents wafted through the air and into my nose making every part of my body tremble. 

One smelt like wood carvings while the other had a strong coffee scent.

These smells were intoxicating, swarming my whole body and holding me captive in my spot. I looked up to see two tall, pale identical faces smirking at me. They were twins, and vampires. The one on the left had dark black hair while the other had blonde, both reached their shoulders.

My wolf Oli scratched at the surface, screaming 'MATE' as the two made their way towards me.

I felt myself drool as I took in more of their appearance, they were very tall, taller than me. They looked to be at least 6'6 whilst I stood at 6'3. They were both packed with muscles that bulged out of their shirts that hid no illusion to the eyes, the top three buttons of their shirts lay undone displaying their pale, hard chests.

Goddess what is wrong with me?

"Well hello there sweetheart, are you going to mark us or are you just gonna stand there and drool." the one with black hair whispered, only loud enough for me to hear.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realised I was just standing here staring at them. I could feel the eyes of every member of my pack staring at me, no doubt with confusion.

I felt my face grow warm as I tried to look away, I was blushing, I never blush? I took a deep breath and slowly walked over to them. I reached for the black haired twin and gently pressed my thumb to the back of his left ear, the packs symbol appearing. I felt a shiver travel up my arm as my skin made contact with his, the feeling was incredible, never had I felt something so pleasurable.

"Why thank you angel." he chuckled with a sly smile, making my cheeks grow warmer, seriously what is wrong with me.

"And my mark?" the blonde twin said next to him. His face was stone cold but his voice held a teasing tone that made my heart jump. I reached over and gave him his mark, the same shiver travelling up my arm.

I was speachless, what was wrong with me. I'd never felt like this before. This warmth that took over my body, the touch of their skin making me shiver with pleasure, I was so flustered, I never get flustered.

It felt so right, yet I was scared. They were my mates, these twin Vampires were my mates, and not only that....

....they were men!

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