Chapter 25

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Damien's POV:

"Are you sure those are the right measurements? I wouldn't want to leave this planet on the bases of accidentally being poisoned."

Xander lifted his eyes to me and gave me a small glare, not that I found it intimidating, he just looked cute. "Your adorable when you pout." I mused which caused a blush to tint his cheeks and he looked back down again at the bowl.

"Don't mind him honey, it's not like he can say much. He couldn't bake a cake if his life depended on it." my dad Idris smirked at me as he helped Xander weigh out the measurements.

"I may not be as good as yous or Matt but I can still cook." I tried to defend myself but that only landed me sceptical looks. "Cooking and baking are two very different things. If you can't even cook an omelette without burning it goddess knows what you'd do to this cake." Xander shot back, earning laughs from Papa and Matt.

I scowled but bit my tongue, knowing all too well I wouldn't win this. Myself and Matt along with our father's were currently in the pack house kitchen. Dad and Papa were dying for some time with Xander and thought baking together would be fun, considering Xander had said he'd never baked before. And obviously Matt and I had to be here to watch for ourselves. Seeing Xander interact with our father's was the cutest thing, he always look so happy and comfortable with them.

Its been a few weeks now since the attack and Xander has improved enormously. He slowly started talking again bit by bit, and by now he was talking like his usual self around us. It will still take time for him to be fully back to normal after what happened but he'll get there.

"Does it really matter that you put the correct ingredients in? I mean I've cooked before and just threw stuff in?" Xander whined as he measured out the sugar. His face contorted into a frown and myself and Matt couldn't help but coo at him.

He's so cute brother. Goddess he's so fucking cute my heart can't take this. Matt said through our private link. I looked over to see him smiling wide, adoration in his eyes.

He was right, in situations like these Xander appeared almost puppy like, it was adorable. I know, my heart gets so full whenever he looks like that.

We watched as he poured in the sugar into the bowl, causing a bit of flour to jump out and get on Papas shirt. Xander giggled slightly as Dad helped him wipe the flour away, it was music to my ears.

"Are you having fun with your father in laws baby boy?" I asked him in a baby voice that made him blush bright red. He looked at both Matt and I as we smirked at him, waiting for his reply. "Yes daddy." he said softly. Our father's then turned back to Xander and gave him a hug.

"Thank you sweetheart, and do you enjoy your daddies watching you bake?" Papa teased him making him go even redder. Xander whined and hid his face in Papa's neck, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Yes.. I do."

"You do what angel?" Matt pried, a wide smirk on his face. Xander whined again but we weren't going to let up. Sighing in defeat he snuggled closer to Papa, burying his face further in his neck and mumbled his response. "I really enjoy my daddies watching me bake."

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