Chapter 36

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander’s POV:

The breeze felt amazing against my skin, the air was fresh as I sucked as much of it as I could into my lungs. The smell of the sea mixed with the sand and the seaweed made me feel at ease, but not as much as the scent of my mates. I breathed in the mixture of wood carvings and coffee as it wafted through the air, those intoxicating scents that made it hard to stand on two feet. 

It was midday and we had taken the family to a beach at the edge of the pack lands. Vladimir and Idris were here, the only way we got them to agree to come with us on such short notice was if we let them take care of Luca. Idris still wasn’t a fan of the sun even after all these years and being at the beach during the day certainly wasn’t his favourite thing, but our new addition to the family seemed to work as a good bribing strategy that I was happy to use to my advantage.

Since Luca’s arrived I’ve found it the hardest thing in the world to not have him in my arms at all times. The first week in the hospital wasn’t too bad, I could manage because he was always either in my arms or he was resting in his bed next to my bed, or he was in one of my mates arms whilst they lay next to me. But now that I was out it was this parental instinct to just keep him by your side, that if I were to let him out of my sight something may happen to him. 

I knew he’d be fine, my mates were here, my father in laws were here and members of our pack were also here. He was protected, he’d be fine.

I had my back plastered to Matt’s bare chest as Damien messaged my ankles, he was convinced that I needed to be pampered 24/7 but I was fine. It had been around a month since I left the pack hospital and I was ninety percent there. Though what had puzzled me was the scar that remained on my abdomen from my surgery. As wolves we heal very quickly and as Alpha’s we heal even quicker, but the scar remains. When I enquired about it to the pack doctor he said it was because I was a male carrier, as being an Alpha male carrier was extremely rare for our time. Male carriers not so much as there was a growing number of same sex matings all across the globe, but for a male Alpha to bare a child, it was practically unheard of. The scar was like a permanent reminder of the rarity and great power that one possesses. I didn't mind the scar all that much, it made me proud knowing that I was able to accomplish something that most Alphas couldn’t.

“Our baby boy is in a world of his own, would he mind returning to the land where his daddies reside?” I heard Damien joke which immediately pulled me from my thoughts. My cheeks burned as I locked eyes with my smirking mate as he continued messaging my supposid swollen ankles. I was doing that a lot recently, spacing out, falling into my own thoughts.

“Sorry daddy.”

“Nothing to apologise for sweetheart, we think you're adorable when you're in your own little world.” Matt said as he snuggled me further into his chest. His comforting words bring a smile to my face as our bare skin touches one another sending the most amazing pleasure shooting through my veins. One of the perks about being in recovery was that I got an unlimited amount of cuddles and time spent with my mates away from the pack, away from the responsibilities of being an Alpha.

I didn’t wish to be away from my duties as an Alpha, I loved my pack and I loved being their leader. But Alphas need time away too.

It was nice, I was happy.

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