Chapter 8

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

I was sitting on the end of my bed as my mates picked out my clothes for this evening. We were having dinner with my family and I was slightly nervous. 

"There is nothing to worry about sweetheart, we're just having dinner." Matt said coming over to me with a shirt and blazer. 

"Everything will work itself out pumpkin, now lie down and let your daddies get you ready." Damien said with a smirk as he approached with a pair of pants, underwear, socks and shoes. 

My face burned as I lay down on my bed. Matt and Damien had insisted on getting me 'ready' for dinner tonight, and although they've taken charge in helping me with most things, apparently that ment getting me dressed aswell. 

Damien slid my underwear up my legs as I hid my face in my arms. It was really embarrassing being dressed by someone else in this way but at the same time the way their hands felt on my skin was wonderful.

The way they gently slip my clothes onto my body makes my stomach flutter.

I felt a a hand slip up my clothed thigh. I looked up and saw a fond expression on my mates faces. 

"As much as we find your reactions adorable, we need to finish here. Can you let us continue without squirming too much." Damien said with a smile. 

"Yes daddy." his smile got bigger.

"Good boy now let us finish getting you dressed." 

Matt pulled me to sit up as he put my shirt on, buttoning it up. 

Although it was only a family dinner, my parents wanted us to dress fancy, bit of a pain if you ask me. 

"My my, our boy is looking rather handsome tonight isn't he?" Damien said as I stepped into my shoes. I whined and put my face into Matts neck, hiding my blush. 

"Aww sweetheart it's okay, we're only teasing." Matt cooed, rubbed my back as my shoes were tied and my jacket put on. My face just flushed red with embarrassment as my mates turned to finish getting ready. 

"Are you always gonna dress me, because I am independent you know." I said, avoiding not making eye contact. 

They chuckled and walked over me, and sandwiched me between them. My head rested on Damien's chest as he rubbed my back and Matt hugged me from behind. I snuggled deeper as the sparks from being held by my mates shot through me. 

"Yes angel. From now on we will dress you, help you clean and take care of you. It's our responsibility to shower you with love and care." Matt said "Besides we like dressing you. Your body's too beautiful, we can't help but find an excuse to touch you all over." 

I whined again as they just laughed and pulled me closer into their warmth. 


We walked into the huge dining room, my hands intertwined with my mates as we approached the dining table. 

My parents stood up smiling making their way over to us. The each gave Matt and Damien a hug then showered me in kisses. My parents were always the affectionate type. 

"Guys seriously." I groaned, wiping my mothers lipstick off my cheeks. My mates chuckled and helped me wipe my cheeks, giving me kisses of their own. 

After shaking hands with my brother and his mate we took our seats with my cheeks on fire, why was everyone out to embarrass me today. 

"Because your cute when your embarrassed sweetheart." Matt smirked. I scowled at him which only gained me a smile in return. I just sulked and looked down.

I heard a chuckle and looked over at my brother Xian laughing, his mate Lillian giggling. Lillian was a beautiful and petite blonde wolf whereas my brother was big and muscular like me. 

They had known each other since they were eight when Lillian's family joined our pack, since then they were inseparable and became mates when they turned 18.

"So have you guys mated yet." my mom asked. My eyes shot out of my head as I looked at her, my mates choking next to me. 

"Mom!" I gasped. My brother and dad now snickering. 

"What? I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking." she argued. My mom a lot of the time had no filter, which usually led to me or my brother getting embarrassed in front of others. 

"Trust me no one is thinking that." I grumbled.

"We wanted to wait until we got to know each other before we take the next step." Damien said, rubbing a comforting hand on mine which I was grateful for. 

"That'll be interesting." my brother commented. What? 

"Xian!" my dad warned. Now I was getting very confused. 

"What will be interesting?" I asked. 

"Oh you know, just that you'll be the bott.." 

"Okay okay anyone want some gravy." my father interjected, pouring some for Damien. From the sound of it he was probably saving me from something embarrassing. Whatever it is I'm grateful. 

"So boys, you all set for the peace treaty tomorrow?" my dad asked, trying to change the subject. Whatever that subject was. 

"We can't wait for it." Matt said. 

"Wait, your coming with me?" I asked. 

"Of course we are pumpkin, where ever you go we go." Damien replied, I blushed at the pet name but smiled none the less. 

"Aww honey look he's blushing, aren't they the sweetest? " my mom said to my dad, could this dinner.. no this day get anymore embarrassing? 

"That's good. I'm glad Xander has someone to accompany him this year, especially someone familiar." my dad said. Familiar? 

"Ye it should be a fun experience." Matt said. Okay there's something their not telling me. 

"All in good time baby boy." Damien said kissing my cheek. 

"Aww honey..." my mom awed again. 

This was gonna be a long dinner. 

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