Chapter 10

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

I hear mumbling and sounds of things being moved as I start to wake up. My eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the morning light. My head feeling so heavy and fuzzy for some reason. 

I don't recall anything that happened yesterday. Last thing I remember was that I was in the car with Matt and Damien and we were driving to the peace treaty. Damien had come into the back with me and pulled me into his lap, but everything feels blurry after that. 

I looked down the end of my bed to see my mates unpacking our things. They were both shirtless in nothing but sweats. The sight of their strong muscles making me blush.

Matt turned around and smiled at me. "Look who's awake brother?" he said. Damien turned in the direction his brother was pointing and saw me awake.

He smiled at me, his blonde hair falling slightly into his face. "Good morning baby boy, did you sleep well?" Damien asked. They both made their way towards the end of the bed and sat down, caressing my legs.

"Uhuh." I said sleepily. My head was still fuzzy. They chuckled at my reply.

"Your so adorable sweetheart." Matt cooed at me. 

I saw Damien get up and walk around the bed, he picked me up bridal style and walked back around to sit next to his brother. 

I was sitting on Damien's lap with my head resting on his shoulder and his arm around my waist. My legs stretched across Matts lap. 

"What happened?" I asked quietly. 

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Matt questioned. 

"Yesterday. I don't remember anything that happened yesterday after Damien got into the back of the car with me." I mumbled into Damiens neck. He tightened his arm around my waist as I snuggled in more. 

They looked at each other then back at me. "Well you see baby.." Matt started but before he could finish the doors of our room burst open. 

I looked up and my breath immediately caught in my throat. The vampire leaders of the very coven that we were staying in had just entered the room with huge smiles on their faces. 

My face warmed as I realised they could see me sitting in my mates laps. I tried to get up but my mates held me in place. 

Their names were Vladimir and Idris. Vladimir stood at a staggering 6'7, whilst Idris was a 6'6 just like my mates. 

Vladimir had longish black hair and Idris had long white hair that went past his shoulders, with a pair of thin rimless glasses. 

They came over and embraced my mates lovingly, kissing them on their foreheads, I was so confused. 

"Good morning my sons, how did you sleep?" Idris asked my mates, him and his husband stroking my mates heads. Sons? What? 

"We slept very well dad, especially our Xander here." Damien replied. "Did you and papa get any sleep?" 

"We did indeed son." Idris replied. 

Okay okay. Sons? Papa? Dad? What? My eyes were wide open as I stared at them with so much confusion, what was going on? 

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