Chapter 42

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!


Damien's POV:

I wanted to kill Matt, strangle him, throw him to the ground and beat the crap out of him. I heard him chuckling, as each possible attack I listed in my head got more violent, and the piece of shit was listening. 

Let him listen. 

You know brother, it would've been a good idea to let Xander and Oli know you were scared. Matt teased. 

Or maybe I'd be fine if you didn't ask him to go faster. I'm not scared of riding Oli, he's just… 

Just what? 

Going too fast! 

Just shut up Matt! I grumbled and cut off the mind link for now. Matt couldn't help himself and laughed out loud, catching our mates attention. Perfect. 

"Are you both having fun?" Oli yelled over the loud breeze shooting past our ears. I may not be happy with the speed in which we are going but I can't deny how beautiful everything looks around us. "Yes sweetheart, you run beautifully." Matt butters him up, Oli may be covered in thick white fur but I could still feel their skin heat up under my touch. 

Oli ran for miles, never stopping, no signs of being tired. Goddess it must've been bothering him so much, it's been months since Oli got out to run with both himself and Xander not feeling like themselves for awhile. Having a baby after trauma took a lot out of them. 

Just saying the word baby in my head had me smiling, our little Luca was growing so fast with his blonde locks already sprouting at a rapid pace. Just like me. 

He had my hair and his eyes were a mixture of Matt and I's eyes and Xander's. The outer part of his eyes were a deep blue like Xander while a red rim circled his cornea. 

We still weren't sure yet how he was going to fully develop. Would he be built like most Vampires, plenty of muscles but with a leaner physique or would he be built like a werewolf, big and stocky and packed with muscle like our baby boy. 

None of the doctors from either the pack or our coven could really give us any information as to what Luca will turn out like, research was being done every day but there still weren't enough creatures born as a mix. 

The same fear I've been having for the past few days riled up in my chest again, since we came on our little trip it's like I'm suddenly overwhelmed by everything. I try to hide it as much as I can but I fear it may be slipping through the cracks. My appetite has soared like never before, fuck when I went to change my shoes before we left I knocked over a book that sat on the table and I almost cried. Something so stupid like that never happened to me. I'm more emotional than Matt, that's for sure but not to this extent. And what worries me most is that everything I've been experiencing is identical to what Xander experienced… when he was pregnant. 

It had only been a few days, surely it couldn't happen that quick, not that I thought it would happen at all. I never took getting pregnant into consideration when I bottomed for Xander, being a man you don't really think these things about yourself. I guess that was stupid. 

I know I need to get a test, that could be done when we get back to the pack but I think I already had my answer. 

It's like this feeling I have deep down, a gut feeling. Like my body already knows what's going to happen. 

I'm not opposed to having another child or even just the thought of myself having a child, it's back to the fact that I never would've thought I'd end up pregnant. Seeing how Xander suffered the way he did, constantly in pain, emotionally unstable, physically debilitated more and more every week… Would I be able to handle it? Could I successfully produce a child, would I be capable of such a thing? 

Hey, you doing okay? Matt linked to me, I must've been in my own thoughts for awhile. Ye of course. Why? I didn't want him to pry, I know he means we'll but it's a conversation I'd rather not have with him at this very moment. Plus Oli and Xander are enjoying themselves and I will not be the one to ruin it. Your just really quiet. I take it you don't wanna talk about whatever it is right now?

Matt always knew what I was feeling or thinking, I guess that's the perks of having a twin. 

I nodded in agreement and he smiled, letting me know he wouldn't pry. But I would like us to talk later on okay?

That I'm good with, it's a topic that Xander needs to fully present for anyway. Thanks Matt.

A quick and sharp turn pulled Matt and I from our conversation as Oli steered sharply in a new direction. "Hey Oli, you okay? What's going on?" I asked. The path had gotten narrower as we were hit with thicker bushes than we'd seen before. Nothing to worry about daddy. he responded with a humorous tone, what was the little rascal up to? 

I looked up into the far distance and noticed an edge, and the closer we got the clearer it was that we were heading straight for a cliff. 

"Oli turn back!" please tell me he wasn't thinking of jumping. "I mean it Oli turn back!" 

"Sweetheart it's dangerous, listen to Damien and slow down." I had hoped that Matt's words would make him come around but he just got faster and faster. I swear I saw the faintest smirk on his face and my heart completely sank. 

The edge comes nearer, the grass getting thinner under Oli's paws as all I saw was a drop. Would this really be how my life ends? An immortal creature finally taken by a fucking cliff, our name will become a laughing stock, my brother, my mate and child… 

Hold on… Was the last thing I heard, the last thing I'd probably ever hear that wasn't my dying screams as we leapt into the air. The ground disappeared and I couldn't bare to look anymore, burying my face into Oli's fur and probably the last time if ever feel those tingles from my sweet mates touch, the warmth they– a light thud jolted me out of my thoughts. What just happened? 

I lift my head up, not knowing what I was gonna see if I'd even see anything. I wasn't in pain anywhere so I must've met my demise, I felt rather normal actually? I dared to open my eyes and was met with the forest again.. What? 

**to be continued**

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