🦇Extra 11🦇

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Vladimir's POV: 

1910 March 7th
"Come on Papa, we're gonna be late!" Damien whined as he continues to pull on my sleeve. 

"Damien we are the leaders of this coven, whether we are late or not is no one's concern." 

"Yes, but being late is rude." Idris said from a few steps ahead of us, Matt's hand tucked into his. 

"Ye Papa, come on." 

"Okay okay, but no pulling, you've stretched enough of my shirts." 

Idris and I were taking the boys to their first training session, a promise we had been putting off for some time now. Other members of our coven as well as Carden and Ren were also going to be present, to ensure the others stayed in line. 

It wasn't common for Vampires to start training under the age of 18, usually we'd start them on basic fist fights and dashing hunts where they'd chase each other to their limits till the early hours of the morning. A couple months leading up to their start in the academy was when proper training would begin, where they'd continue their training throughout. 

Our little boys on the other hand wouldn't stop pestering us until we called for one. They were as eager as anything, this arrangement might just be the only thing that'll stop them from bruising each other. 

Perhaps it'll put them off for the next few years, shock them into waiting for the academy?  Idris linked me.

Maybe, though knowing our little devils, I doubt a taster will fill their hunger for long. Even Carden has been trying to convince me to put a stop to it.

Is it to do with his past?

Even through the centuries that Idris and Carden had gotten to know each other, there were still some things about himself that he needn't share with anyone, even I, his best friend, was only informed of what he chose to tell. 

Carden had a hard life before his family joined our coven, I believe his father had him start early in life. Not always the best outcome in a person.

I looked over to see the slight worry in my mates eyes, I could sense he was close to suggesting we turn back now. I'd rather not have to deal with two crying boys this early into the day, the sun's annoying heat was already giving me a headache. 

They will be alright, baby, I promise. They may decide to back out, but even if things take a turn we will put a stop to it before it happens. Don't worry.

He hesitated, biting his tongue to stop the argument that wanted to slip through, then eventually nodding, offering me a still nervous but gentle smile. My cold heart skips a beat.

"We're here we're here, come on Papa."  As we walked through the entrance to the academy their eyes lit up in curiosity. It was their first time seeing the inside, having only ever looked at the outside when we'd walk past it.  "Wow!" 

"Is it like how you expected it to be Damien?" Idris asked, I could see he was trying not to hold back a smirk at our youngest reaction. 

"Better Papa, but it smells a bit old." 

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