🦇Extra 1🦇

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!


So before wattpad deleted my book I had asked my readers if they would be interested in extra chapters about Vladimir and Idris.

About their life, how they met and their life together and having a family.

So I hope you guys enjoy!



Vladimir's POV:

1671 October 9th
"I'm telling you, he hates me. You saw the way he looked at me?" my friend Carden whined. 

I chuckled at his childishness as I hung up my drapes in my cuby. 

"Mr. Masters does not hate you, I think he quite likes you." I smirked at him. He frowned at me, huffing as we walked the hallways towards our first class. 

Mr. Masters was our vampire history teacher. The reason Carden thought he hated him was because he would always glare at him. But we could all see the glint in his eyes when he looked at Carden. 

"Since when does glaring at someone indicate a liking to them?" he grumbled, snapping his Cape backwards as he stormed into the classroom that was now half filled. 

Most people hated our Academy's uniform, but I always liked it. It consisted of a long black cloke that reached the floor, with a hood at the top. Long black trousers, a white open neck blouse and a suite vest. 

"You know if you so much as attempted to pay attention maybe he'd stop glaring at you?" I suggested, knowing all too well it would fall on def ears. 

He scoffed as he took his place next to the window of our bench. 

"Why should I pay attention, this subject is so boring. Why do I need to learn about 13th century vampires anyway? They're all either assholes, leaders or dead." he complained, but looked down with a muttered apology when I glared at him. 

"I didn't mean you or your family, sorry Vlad." he offered a small smile before opening his book. 

I was to be the next in line for the next leader of my coven. As I was turning 22 in two months time I was to start taking over more responsibilities alongside my father. 

Of course I wouldn't actually be in charge until I was 90 but my Pa always said its best to start early. 

"You better start taking this shit seriously if you still wanna be my second in. We'll be graduating in a year. " I grumbled. 

He nodded and returned to his book. 

I could feel the wind change and the sweet scent of lemon wafted through the air. 

My eyes look up as the door opened to reveal my beautiful mate, Idris. 

He had walked in with a scowl on his face as he was trying to fix his cloke, no doubt Aldon had been bothering him again. 

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