Chapter 18

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!


Hey... So I just want to make a little disclaimer. 

So this chapter is going to be about subspace.......with Xander falling hard into it and Matt and Damien taking care of him. 

But I think I need to explain a lil bit about subspace within this story as I've seen some people a bit confused. 

So basically although Xander falls into subspace, it's not the traditional subspace that we all know. It's in a way a mixture of subspace and littlespace. 

When Xander slips, his mind becomes fuzzy and slightly dazed like normal subspace...... but it also creates this need to be taken care of. When he slips his mind and body know they need his mates to watch over him and take care of him. But the body and mind also fall into a fragile state, he gets scared easily and dependent in his mates. 

In this world it is a normal response from a submissive at heart when they truly become comfortable with their dom to allow themselves to be vulnerable. 

I hope that made sense....and not make anyone more confused. :) 

Xander's POV:

I could feel intense warmth all around me, it consumed my body completely. What was this warmth? 

I tried to open my eyes and find the source of this warmth. When they cracked open I saw I was in a bed, my bed, with covers over my body. I must've been asleep for a long time as my head felt so heavy that lifting it was proving difficult. 

Then my eyes lifted to the rest of the room, the maroon walls and dark oak furniture making the room feel so cozy. The drapes against the windows blocked what seemed to be light trying to seep in. 

My hearing picked up suddenly as I heard footsteps in the distance coming closer and closer to the door. 

Why was someone coming to my room? Were they here to hurt me....o-or take me away? I didn't want to be taken away! 

My breath hitched as the door opened slowly and I sighed in relief when I saw the face of someone I knew wasn't going to hurt was one of my daddies....... Matt. He had a little frown on his face as he made his way further into the room but smiled when he saw my face. 

"Good morning angel." he said to me in such a soft voice that I felt myself melt, my daddy was so nice. 

"Morning daddy." I said quietly, my body still feeling incredibly tired and showed no signs of perking up. 

His hand reached over and made its way into my hair, massaging gently. I sink into the bed as I let out a sigh. His touch felt so good, I wanted more of it. I tried lifting my arm to get closer to him but I couldn't reach properly. I wanted him to hold me so bad. I wanted his arms around my body, enclosing me and keeping me safe. 

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