Chapter 35

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!


Xander's POV: 

Today was the day we were finally leaving the hospital and back to our normal end of the pack lands. I'd spent the past week in recovery from Luca's birth and my body was in dire need of a walk, never in my life have I felt so lazy. 

"You're not lazy sweetheart, Alpha or not, your body needs time to heal. So please don't overwork yourself." 

I grumbled as I looked down at Matt who was putting my socks on for me. 

"You know I'm capable of putting my own socks on?" I was not handicapped, I wasn't bed ridden with a nerve numbing illness, I was well able to get myself dressed. 

"Even before you were pregnant we still dressed you angle, so what's the difference now?" he said looking at me in question. I just grumbled and turned my head. 

I know I was being moody but I couldn't help it, I was tired of being bound to this bed, tired of being told by everyone including the doctors what I can and cannot do. 

" I just want to go back to normal, I want our normal routine back in our home, with our son." 

Matt frowned at me as he stood up, he took my head in his hands and gave me a tender kiss on the forehead which as per usual, eased all my stress in an instant. 

"I promise you sweetheart that everything will return to normal, we'll bring Luca home and get back to our lives again. Just take it easy for us okay?" 

I sighed but nodded my head earning a satisfied grin from my mate. 

"Good, well I'm going to check that everything has been sorted out with the doctors, I'll be back in a few." with one last kiss to the cheek he was out the door. 

Damien was flicking through an old magazine he found in the far corner when I tried standing up slowly, but my balance was not there. 

"Xander sit down, we're not leaving yet." he said, but I ignored him as I tried to reach for my shoes. My bump had already downsized significantly so it was easier to reach things. 

"Xander I will not tell you again, stop moving or I'll tan your backside." his tone was stern but I didn't care, the frustration from before was already coming back. 

"I'm barely doing anything!" 

"Stop moving baby boy!" 

"Ugh, daddy I'm just putting on my shoes."

"I don't care, I'm not having you hurt yourself." he said now sounding very angry, making me slump in my place. He held my gaze as I felt my heart sink a little, I hated when they were angry with me. He put the magazine down and walked over to the hospital bed where I sat, as he stood in front of me he placed a hand each at my side and leaned forward until our faces were inches from each other. A warm feeling flooded my cheeks. 

I could drop to my knees now. Oli panted in my head. 

Not while I'm still recovering, there'll be plenty of time for that once I'm well.

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