Chapter 7

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Damiens POV:

The sun began to shine in through the window as my twin and I cuddled our beloved mate. 

Vampires don't sleep a lot you see, we don't need sleep to recharge, blood does that for us. 

Our old pack has been running blood banks for years, our people never running low.  

I felt a stir, looking down to see Xander snuggling closer to my chest. I felt my heart skip a beat as he buried his face further. The sparks through my body felt electric. 

"He's perfect isn't he, I'm so happy Damien." Matt spoke softly, his nose pressed into the top of Xander's head. 

I looked over at my twin with happiness, we were so blessed to be gifted such a beautiful mate. I reached over and ruffled my brothers head. He looked up at me and smiled, leaning into my touch. 

Matt and I had a special bond, we've always been close since the day we were born. 

We had known from the age of 14 we would share the same mate, we always felt like something was missing, like our bond wasn't complete. It was at that we knew we must've had another mate out there and our parents were more than a little shocked at when we told them.

"I'm happy too Matt." I replied. 

Matt reached over and ruffled my hair back, sparks emitting throughout us both. 

The sparks were only minor as we haven't sealed the mating bond with our other half yet. 

And now here we were, our baby was in our arms, safe and secure. 

Matt pulled away when we heard a whimper, looking down between the two of us we saw Xander slowly opening his eyes, looking confused. He probably couldn't remember where he was. 

"Good morning Little one, did we wake you?" I asked as Xander looked up at us. Recognition took over his features as he began to remember where he was and what had happened last night. The images of our little shower session were swimming inside his head as he stared at us. 

"Are you enjoying the view angel?" Matt joked when Xander continued to stare at us. 

He huffed and hid his face in the pillow with a pout, embarrassed as he had been caught staring. 

We chuckled as Matt pulled Xander's body so that he was facing us again. He looked everywhere but us, a pink tinting his cheeks. 

I ran my fingers through his hair, messaging his scalp. His body seemed to relax as he bathed in the feeling of my hands in his hair. He seemed to really like head message's. 

"There's a good boy. No need to feel embarrassed pumpkin, we enjoy you watching us, don't we Matt?" I said as our boy finally made eye contact again. 

"We do indeed sweetheart." 

Xander's eyes seemed to haze over slightly, I think he may be talking to his wolf. 

"Is that your wolf baby, would he like to come out and say hello?" I asked. Xander looked at me with a blush and closed his eyes. When he opened them his eyes went from blue to gold, the eyes of an Alpha. 

Golden eyes blinked up at us, an air of dominance in them. He seemed to study us for a while, trying to figure us out. When he seemed like he could trust us he relaxed a little into the sheets. 

"What is your name?" Matt asked. 

"Oli." came a deep voice. I smiled down at him and so did Matt. His breath hitched as Matt ran his thumb over his bottom lip. 

We smirked down at him. Matt put more pressure on his thumb, asking for entrance. Oli opened his mouth to let his thumb slip in. He sucked gently as I ran my fingers through his hair, he moaned at our touch. 

"Is daddies little wolf happy?" I asked. Oli blushed bright red and whimpered as he looked into our eyes, nodding as he sank into our hold enjoying the comfort we were giving him. 

I think we're really gonna get along with Oli.


It was midday and me, my twin and Xander were in his office as he went through paperwork for the peace treaty that was coming up in a few days. 

Earlier this morning Xander's parents organised a pack meeting to which he introduced us as his mates. I'd never felt so much pride in my life. 

Xander had stood in front of his pack with such dominance it was hard to believe he was the same little mate whom my brother and I spanked in this very office less than 24hrs ago.

However when he stepped off the stage after the meeting and made his way towards us, the dominance was mostly gone. Our embrace made him melt in our arms which was no surprise to us. 

What was a surprise for us was Oli, the sweet little thing managed to fall back asleep this morning from Matt and I's comfort. 

It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. When Oli first appeared to us a really confident and strong, which was where we thought Xander had got his from. Instead he cracked faster than Xander, loving the attention he received this morning. I was really looking forward to seeing him again. 

"Ugh why is there so many more documents than usual?" Xander groaned. 

Matt and I chuckled, making his way over to our mate Matt picked Xander up, making him yelp. He sat down in Xander's chair and placed Xander on his lap. 

"Here, let me help you sweetheart." Matt said as I took a seat on the opposite side of the desk, happy to watch my two mates with glee. 

"Thank you." Xander said which followed with another yelp from Matt slapping his thigh lightly. "Thank you daddy."

"Your welcome sweetheart." 

I smiled at my mates, knowing how lucky I was in that very moment. 

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