Chapter 19

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

I was stood at the top of the table going through my meeting agenda. Damien stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and Matt was talking with his parents.

All my best warriors were in attendance around the big table along with Vladimir and Idris' best trained fighters from their coven.

I had sent Simon on the task of collecting the leaders who had attended the peace treaty. Due to the recent rogue attacks that have been occurring in neighbouring packs I had called for all the top leaders from the top packs to a meeting to discuss what course of action we are going to take in putting a stop to it. 

Two wolves have already been killed and many other wolves and creatures alike have been seriously injured. 

Are the leaders gonna be here soon? Oli asked. 

Yeah Simon just texted me, they're almost here. Why? 

I dunno I'm just getting a bad feeling, like somethings gonna happen. 

Oli's deep voice came through, sounding very worried which in turn was making me worried. 

What do you mean by bad feeling? 

I don't really know, I just feel really uneasy. 

My conversation with Oli was cut short when the doors opened to reveal a very tired looking Simon with the Lords. 

Orion, Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, Celeste of the Vampire Grangel Coven, Aragon of the Dragon Hellfire Clan and Phoenix of the Warlock Chalice Coven. 

I mouthed a thank you to him and he gave a slight nod before making his way to the seat next to Matt, as my mates were be sitting either side of me. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts to Damien nuzzling his nose into my neck immediately easing the tension I didn't realise was in my body. 

I had grown a lot in my submission with my loving mates and I was no longer worried about being myself infront of others. Especially since I mated with Matt and Damien, keeping away from their touch now felt all to painful. I never wanted to leave their sides. 

"What's wrong pumpkin? I can feel your tension through our bond." Damien says swaying our bodies side to side. 

"Yeah I'm okay. It's mainly Oli who's causing the tension, he's really on edge." I reply as I sink into his hold, wanting more of his warmth. 

"Oh really, what about?" 

Now Damien and Matt were looking at me worriedly, Matt no doubt feeling my tension too. 

"He doesn't really know, he just said he feels like something bad is gonna happen. It's kind of making me a bit worried too, Oli's usually right about things like this." 

Matt grabbed my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. 

"I'm sure all will be okay angel. And if it's not then we'll deal with it when it comes okay? I don't want you stressing." he said giving me a kiss on the forehead. I blushed slightly and smiled at him. 

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