Chapter 22

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Damien's POV:

I stood next to my brother, our father's and the pack warriors as we looked up at the old abandoned warehouse.

Its walls were old with the paint chipping away with moss growing within the cracks. There were holes everywhere with tree branches ticking out through them, the wood worn and rotten.

Everyone knew of this area, this place. It was used centuries ago as a building for torture during the Great Vampire vs Human war. Many Vampires at the time were lured to the warehouse and tortured by the humans for information about the whereabouts of their covens and clans.

It had been a vicious war that had went on for many years with vampires being forced into hiding.

It felt like a stab to the chest for Matt and I, although neither of us were alive during the war as Vampires it still gave me a pang in my heart knowing our baby boy was stuck in there.

I could feel the pain coming off of my brother and father's as I looked over at them. My father's faces were of stone with their eyes burning red anger, the memories of the war were swimming in their minds. They themselves wouldn't have been alive either when it happened but no doubt our grandparents would've told them all about it.

Matt looked the same as our dad's, his face held so much fury and anger but I could feel the emotional pain through our bond. The thought of Xander being taken here was messing with us and as if we weren't already angry enough as it was, these Rogues were gonna suffer a bloodbath.

Are you both okay? Our father Idris asked through our family link.

Not really but we're hanging on, what about you and Papa?

Same as you guys. I swear when I get my hands on these bastards there gonna regret taking my son in law.

Matt and I's hearts swelled, the love dad and papa had developed for Xander made us so overwhelmingly happy. Seeing the three of them bond and spend time together was what we always dreamed about, it made us the happiest mates in the world.

Even Xander had grown to love Bonding with our father's, he adored their hugs and loved doing paper work with them in their office. It was the little things that made them all the more sweet.

A rustle to my left stole our attention as a rogue in his wolf form suddenly emerged from behind the warehouse, his eyes wild with his teeth bared snarling at us.

His fure was all noted and dirty with the smell of old blood coming off of him. As I focused in on the blood I realised it smelt of honeycomb, Xander's scent.

I saw red.

He howled loudly into the sky signalling his other pack members. We knew in only a matter of minutes that we would be surrounded by Rogues so one of our packs warriors decided to act quickly.

He called through the link for us to get into positions, our eyes trained on every crack and crevice a rogue could be hiding.

Then out of nowhere we heard a scream from behind us, we turned to see a rogue latched onto the neck of one of our pack members. A warrior quickly jumped in and tore the rogue off of him, snapping his neck.

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