Chapter 43

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Damien's POV 

The warmth I felt travelling up the back of my neck made me want to hide from the world. And the laughing going on in the background didn't help things in the slightest. 

I didn't bother waiting for Oli to settle on his stomach as I swung my leg over and dropped to the ground. 

There was more grass growing on this side of the cliff, the area was filled with so many tall trees that it almost appeared to be night as the sun would only appear through a few cracks through the branches of the trees. 

I tried taking a few steps to calm my body down, that was way more adrenaline than I was hoping for. 

"Daddy are you okay?" Oli asked through a few chuckles while he tried easing his own pants. 

I didn't look at him, if I did all three of them would see my cheeks fiercely burning. "Daddy come on, please look at us." he tried giving me a little whimper at the end, as if that would make a difference. 

"Damien we're fine, try to calm down." Matt said approaching me from the side but I refused to face him. I wasn't annoyed with, not even so with Oli and Xander. I was however extremely embarrassed. "Damien we're safe, it's okay now. Please look at me-" Goddess why was he always so fucking persistent "Damien?" 

He was gonna keep at it wasn't he? 

"Come on. Let big brother help you, huh?" my body swung around before I could stop it, goddess this prick. 

"Seriously? Now's not the time for you to get cringy." 

"But it worked didn't it? Just like when we were kids?" his voice was full of menace, he was here to make me feel better yet at the same time making me feel worse. 

"Hey, how am I making you worse?" he chuckled, "I'm trying to lighten your mood." 

"And like I said, the cringe was not needed. Besides you're only mere seconds older than me, that doesn't count for anything!" I tried arguing back but it only made me blush darker. 

Matt always had this thing of playing as 'the big brother' whenever I was sad or scared, it worked when we were still in the academy. With the grief I was receiving from our peers, I was grateful for a big brother role. But once we grew up he'd use it as a way to tease me. 

"Alright, I'll stop. In all seriousness, are you okay?" Matt's voice was back to that soft tenderness, it always made you regret snapping at him, even if he was being a prick. 

"Yeah I'm fine, really I am. I'm just.. You know." 

"I know, maybe we shouldn't have teased you." Matt's eyes filled with guilt as he offered me a sad smile. Goddess, now I was feeling bad. How did Matt always have this effect on me? 

I sighed loudly and pulled him into a hug, knowing this was the best thing I could do to cheer him up. 

"Please don't feel guilty, I'm just too sensitive at times. I didn't take any of it to heart so…. don't worry." 

Matt responded by reciprocating my hug and I sunk into his hold. Our brotherly bond was always a warmth feeling through our bond, it reminded us that we always had each other. 

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