🦇Extra 9🦇

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Hey guys, sorry for not posting in awhile.

Here you guys go.
Vladimir's POV:
1898 October 4th

I wiped my hands on my trousers for what felt like the millionth time today. I was sitting in our coven's medical centre whilst Idris lay on a bed on the other side of the door in front of me with Dr Hallow. 

The copper handles tormented me as I ached to reach over and yank open the door, but I stayed where I was. 

I was told by Dr Hallow not to come in, not to disturb, that my presence was not needed at this time. My blood boiled as I remember him saying those words to me, when he told me I couldn't be with my mate. 

"They'll let you in soon, they just need to make sure he's fit for the surgery." Carden said beside me as a low yawn left his lips. He had been with us when Idris started feeling the pain, we'd been up all day and night dealing with issues from nearby humans. 

"But I'm his mate, I should be in there." 

"You're also an argumentative, protective vampire leader who'd rip the head off anyone who causes even the slightest bit of discomfort to said mate." I turned to him with an argument on the end of my tongue but his raised eyebrows and crossed arms silenced me immediately. 

"I don't want what happened last time to happen again." 

"That's why he's in there now." he sighed, "If there was any indication that he was in danger you'd be called in straight away." 


And so we sat there, silence consuming the space around us. The light sounds of raindrops from outside hitting the ground. 

"You know you don't have to be here, he's not your mate, and I'm sure Ren would prefer to have you at home." 

"After the nervous wreck you were last time Idris gave birth you think I'd leave you alone?" he said as he stood up and paced the hallway. 

Carden had always been stubborn and it was times like this when his stubbornness is what I needed most. 

"Thank you, you've always been so-" 

"Oh dear goddess don't get sappy on me now, save that for when I'm babysitting the two little shits." 

A laugh escaped me before I could stop it, making me hunch over in my chair. Carden soon joined me as we both clutched our chests laughing. 

"Right, right, sorry." 

The door in front of us opened and Dr Hallow stuck his head out, his relaxed expression easing my worries slightly, but only slightly. 

"You can come in now Vladimir, we're ready." he says quietly before slipping away again. 

I turned to Carden, not really knowing what to do. What state was Idris going to be in, what state will I be in when I see him? 

"You'll be fine." Carden says and walks over to me to give me a hug, "it won't be like last time, he's prepared and in safe hands."

"Safe hands." 

"Safe hands, and I'll be right out here if you need me, not that I think you'd want me anywhere near you for the next hour but… I'm here." 

I smiled and hugged him back, "Thanks Carden." I pulled back and took hold of the doorknob, slowly turning it and entering the room. I couldn't see Idris, there was a table in the middle of the room with a big white cloth elevated. 

"Come around Vladimir." 

I walked to where Dr Hallow told me to and there I was met with my smiling mate. "Hey baby." 

"Hey." I reached into our bond to see if I could detect any sign of pain, struggle or stress, but none of that was there. He was calm, relaxed and most importantly, he seemed happy. 

"How are you feeling?" 

"Not too bad, a bit tired but I'm okay. The doctor gave me numbing venom so I won't feel a thing." 

As Vampires we have the ability to produce venom from our fangs to numb, it was mostly used for hunting or battles back in the days of the Great War but nowadays we use it in the development of medical procedures.

Pitiful humans could never. 

I smiled sweetly at him and leaned down to kiss the top of his head. "I'm glad, and I'll be right here if anything does happen." 

"We're ready to begin Idris, are the both of you okay for me to proceed?" Dr Hallow asked as he readied his tools for incision. 

"We're ready." we reply in unison. I took hold of Idris' hand as Dr Hallow began, he took his time. Carefully making each incision. It was a few minutes of silence until we heard the first cry, the sound making my heart clench in delight. I looked over to Idris who had tears streaming down his cheeks. I looked over at our first twin, jet black hair sticking out the top of his head, we had a boy. 

He was wrapped in a blanket and passed to me as I held him close, he was so small, so beautiful. 

A second cry could be heard, this time more loudly as another little head came into view, this time with bright blonde roots sticking out. He was wrapped in a blanket like his brother and placed in Idris' arms. 

Our boys, our sweet little boys. "They will grow to be powerful and handsome young Vampires, just like they're dad." his cheeks lit up in a faint tint that I loved so much, he always looked so delicate to me when he blushed. 

"Thank you baby, he looks so much like you." he said nodding to the little bundle of joy in my arms, looking down at him, he really did look like me. 

"That little sweetie is the image of you, even his hair is almost as fair as yours." 

"Yes I guess he does." 

"Have you guys picked names yet?" 

I glanced at Dr Hallow as he finished up the last few stitches on Idris' belly. 

"For this little one I think Mathew would be a good pick, it suits him." I said as his little eyes opened to look up at me. 

"And for this one I'd like to name him Damien, I've always liked that name." 

"Those are wonderful names, well I'll leave you guys to it. Shout if you need anything." he said as he pulled the covers over Idris and excited the room. 

"If only medical procedures were this straightforward a century ago, Elizabeth's birth would've gone a lot smoother." 

"Hey," I leaned down to capture his lips in mine, savouring his taste. "I promised you that would never happen again, I'll never let you suffer in pain again." 

He smiled up at me and my cold heart warmed, "I love you." 

"I love you too." 


Hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter, let me know what you think.


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