Chapter 14

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Matt's POV:

Myself and Damien were currently sitting in movie theater we had in our father's coven. 

Xander was sitting on my lap snuggled into my chest whilst Damien petted his hair. 

When we got back to the coven after putting all our stuff into our new room in Xander's pack we found our precious mate asleep in papa's lap, with dad snuggled into his side. 

When he woke up and saw us he had scowled and tried to ignore us. As  Damien picked him up and brought him out of the room my father's informed me that Xander was mad that we lied to him. 

I was confused at first until they said it was because we lied about our age, that we told him we were 19 instead of 123.

Although our mate wasn't too impressed, myself and Damien thought it was quite funny. 

So now we were watching Pirates of the Caribbean, with our still pouting mate. 

He'd decided to continue ignoring us whilst the movie played. We had tried asking him things like whether he was enjoying the movie or how he was feeling but all we got was grunts and shrugs, not even eye contact. 

I looked over at my brother to see him already looking at me. 

What are we gonna do to get him to stop ignoring us, I already don't like it.  Damien said through our mind link. 

I don't know. He'll come around eventually but I don't want to wait that long. I replied. 

We looked down at our pouting mate as he relaxed fully into our hold, it was then when an idea popped into my head. 

I looked back at Damien and wiggled my eyebrows at him. That being all the indication he needed to know exactly what I was implying. 

You have the best ideas brother. Damien said. 

I reached down and wrapped my arms around Xander's waist, pulling him closer into me. I leaned down and stuck my nose into his neck, breathing in his sweet scent. 

He hummed but kept his eyes focused on the movie. 

Damien then held tighter to his hair and gave it a pull, causing a gasp from Xander. 

I stuck my tongue out and began sucking gently on Xander's neck, leaving a trail of hickeys as I went. 

Soft moans came from Xander's mouth as he tried to ignore what was happening, but he was failing miserably.

I slid my hand under his shirt to feel his rock hard abs, my hand travelling up to his pecks as I pinched his right nipple. 

He maoned loudly as his head fell back onto my shoulder. 

With his mouth opened, Damien took this opportunity to devour Xander's mouth. He delved his tongue in and kissed Xander hard, his moans getting louder and more needy. 

My assault on his nipples didn't stop as I did the same with his left, pinching and teasing until they for sure were red. 

When Damien pulled back Xander's cheeks were flushed and he was panting hard. 

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