Chapter 45

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!


Xander's POV:

It's rude to stare, I knew that. But I couldn't tear my eyes from him. Carden and Ren stood side by side in the doorway of the drawing room, tall and strong. Carden stood around the same height as Vladimir and Idris, he had a kind and mischievous smirk that reminded me so much of Damien. And if you looked into his eyes he had this intensity about him, the same seriousness as Matt and Vladimir.

"Hello Xander, I'm Carden." He approached me with a kind smile and hugged me tightly, "I'm so happy to finally meet you." When he pulled back I couldn't help but smile.

"It's an honour to finally meet you, my mates always talk about you." I responded.

"Oh really? You boys miss me that much?" He teased. Matt and Damien chuckled and hugged Carden tightly. "And who's this handsome young man?" Lucan giggled when Carden took him from Matt and bounced him in his arms. My hands twitched at my side, fighting not to rip Lucan from unfamiliar territory. I knew he wouldn't hurt, I think, I just....

"Xander, it's okay" Carden said softly, "don't feel bad for being territorial over your son, it's a parent's natural instinct."
I know Carden didn't have any children of his own. But he spoke, as if from his own experiences. My cheeks heat up, realising how loud my thoughts must've been.

A voice being cleared snatched everyone's attention. The man who originally stole my gaze, the source of my worries for the last few weeks was standing behind me. His shadow covered mine as I turned around where I faced a strong hard chest. Goddess.

"You were right boys, he really does look cute when he blushes." His voice was loud and deep, it had a rasp that vibrated throughout my body. A few seconds went by before I registered what he had said and when I did, I turned to my mates with the best look of betrayal I could. But they just smiled. "Baby boy, you know we've told our family all about you. And that includes Ren." Damien said. I feel like at this point I should just stop acting shocked when they embarrass me.

"Xander" Ren said, drawing my attention back to him, "it is a pleasure to meet the mate of my favourite nephews." He took my hand and placed it in between his. My hand disappeared inside his big, warm palms. Ren was as big as everyone said, probably one of the biggest creatures I had ever met.

Ren took my distraction as the perfect opportunity to pull me flush against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and trapped me against him.
The memories of the first time I met Vladimir and Idris flooded my thoughts, but unlike the pure embarrassment I felt sitting in their laps, I sank comfortably into Ren's hold. The same way I did with my own mates.

"Would you like me to hold you Xander?" Came his deep voice again. He wasn't smiling, nor did he smirk like I assumed, but his eyes were kind. Delicate almost.
No words came to me, none at all but a simple nod of my head and I was scuped up. My legs wrapped around his waist tightly with my arms wrapped around his neck.

I stared into his eyes that seemed to do all the smiling his lips were unable to do. "Your body's temperature is warm like your mates said." My mate's must've spoken a lot of me to Ren. All werewolves hold heat in their bodies, but to feel it's degree fully you must embrace them.

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