Chapter 39

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

My eyes squinted tightly as the last of today's light lit up the road as we finally entered Redpine… again with these names. 

"Not exactly the name I would've picked either sweetheart." Matt laughed and pulled the car to a stop in front of a little cabin on the outskirts of the village. 

I've visited this village a few times over the years, my father always loved the wooded area surrounding it. It always made for excellent hunting… and chasing. It was a hidden village persay as it consisted of many creatures like us along with the reassuring factor that this village contained… no humans. 

For years now we've maintained peace with their species, solely on the basis that most of them didn't believe we existed. It was better this way, the pain and suffering creatures like us went through at the hands of humans was far too grave to experience again. Some talked about the future where all creatures by God and goddess rejoice in peace as one, but such a thing I dare say may never be accomplished. 

"What do you think sweetheart?" 

"It's a beautiful cabin, the view of the forests is almost as good as ours back at the pack." 

"Haha, true Xander, very true." he laughed and stepped out of the car taking the bags out of the trunk. 

"Can I help daddy?" I asked, stepping out of the car with him. 

"Of course you can help, baby, but not with the bags." 

I gave him a quizzical look as he hauled mine and his bag onto his shoulders. He stood tall in his big muscular frame as he smirked down at me, making drool pool in my mouth. I'll never get over how handsome they are. 

"Why thank you angle. I'll take care of the bags and you can take care of your daddy." he said and gestured to Damien who lay asleep in the passenger seat. 

"Wait, you mean carry him in?" I've never carried Damien before, I've never carried either of them before. It's not that I hadn't the strength to, but they were my daddies, daddies do the carrying usually. 

"Usually yes but not tonight. Besides, don't you want to take your Alpha instincts into action?"

My gaze shot back at him, but how… oh goddess. "You listened to my thoughts earlier, I didn't think you heard all that." 

"I did Xander and I fully agree. We may be your doms and have the honour of taking care of you, but you are still an Alpha and Alphas by nature are very nurturing and caring of their mates. As well as being protective." 

He agreed, he wanted me to explore my instincts as much as I did. 

"Does Damien know?" I said but choked as I realised what came out, I didn't call him daddy, I always call him daddy. Goddess I'm in-

"This is the first step." Matt cuts me off chuckling at my sudden stress. "As our submissive you address us as daddy, but as an Alpha taking care of his mate, you are entitled to address him by name." 

As Matt's words sunk in I glanced at Damien again, his position the same. 

"Carry him into the cabin Xander, and when he wakes up perhaps we can get him to feed." 

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