🦇Extra 2🦇

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!


Vladimir's POV:

1671 October 16th
It was the early evening and I was sat in one of the academy's main study quarters as I was going through paperwork for my dad's coven.

Albeit many years from now, I was expected to know all there is about my covens history and how to run it.

The pages in front of me although looked like a lot were in reality child's homework.

Since we live very long lives, Vampires who are under the age of 90 are seen as how humans would see a young child or even babies.

Me being only 21, I wasn't trusted with big or important documents just yet. I wasn't necessarily treated like a child by my parents like most were at this age but I wasn't given adult responsibilities just yet either.

"Ugh, why is this so hard." I heard Carden groan next to me. He was still doing the homework Mr Masters had assigned us last week. 

"Maybe if you had started earlier you wouldn't be struggling so much." I said matter of factly. 

"I've been really busy lately." he mumbled. 

"And by busy you mean having fun with Mr Masters?" I smirked at him as a pout formed on his face. 

The laws within the vampire council were a bit odd. If your mate was under the age of 50 you couldn't mate until they had reached that age, you could could still do sexual things but you couldn't properly mate. 50 years old was like our equivalent to legal age, I know 18 is legal age for humans but then again they didn't live nearly as long as we did. 

So with Carden being only 28 and Mr Masters being......god knows how old, he still had another 22 years until they could properly mate. 

And judging by the hickies on his neck, it appeared that they were already in preparation for mating. 

"Shut up, just because you guys can mate doesn't mean you get to rub it in." he said sadly with a faint tint to his cheeks. 

That's where the laws gets odd, if you and your mate are around the same age you can legally mate at 22. So with me being 22 in only two months and Idris already 24 we would be able to mate very soon. 

"Hey I'm sorry, I know it's gonna be a hard few years for you. But you at least found your mate, and you can be together." I said with a small smile. 

He looked at me with wide eyes. "Goodness since when did you get all sappy." he chuckled and when he looked at the clock his eyes went even wider. "Shit I've gotta go." 

"Go where? You haven't even finished your assignment." 

"Ye but I have to be somewhere, somewhere important. I-I'll see you later okay, bye." he rushed out and ran out of the hall. 


You really did sound a bit sappy just there. I heard Idris chuckle through our mind link. 

Does my sappyness put you off? I joked. 

Not at all, I think it's quite sweet actually. 

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