Chapter 4

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

"Yes daddies." I said, trying my best not to sound too affected. But one whiff of their scents had me suffocating in such a delicious way.

Before I could stop myself I leaned forward and burried my nose into Damiens neck and breathed in his scent, shivering at how good he smelled.

His scent was like coffee, it was so strong and overpowering I felt I could drown in it.

Wait, what was I doing?

I heard chuckles coming from above me, the sounds of their laughs making my skin heat up, I tried to pull away from his neck but Damien kept me firmly in my place. My heart jumped at the sheer strength he used to hold me.

I felt Matt come in behind me and press himself up against my back, leaving me no room to move as I was sandwiched between them. "You like your daddies scents, don't you pumpkin?" Damien purred into my hair, burying his nose in it.

Goddess help me!

I couldn't answer as Matt's scent of fresh wood carvings came crashing down on me aswell as he buried his face into my neck, causing tingles to shoot across my skin.

Matt took me by surprise when he suddenly started sucking on my neck, it was so painful yet it felt so good, and no doubt leaving little red marks. I tried to keep my mouth shut to disclose any incoming sounds that were trying to escape. But he just sucked harder in more places, until he reached a little spot between my neck and shoulder. I moaned loudly at the sensation, bearing my neck a little more to show him I was enjoying it. 

The sounds that were coming out of my mouth were embarrassing, unheard of from an Alpha, but I couldn't stop them. His tongue did wonders to my skin that no matter how much I could fight him, my body would just succumb to the pleasure.

I tried to place my hand over my mouth to muffle my noises but Damien was having none of it.

"Let us hear your voice baby boy. Let your daddies mark you with our scents." Damien growled and I swear my cock threatened to get harder.  "We want the world to know that your ours, no one else can have you."

I shuddered at his words, Damien soon joined his brother on the other side of my neck. Both of them sucking so hard, the feeling of their tongues lapping at my skin was pure bliss. 

The endless sensations made my head feel so light, my body became lax as if I were drifting away. I had never felt such pleasure like this before, it was like I was in another world.

And I was, the sparks that flew from their kisses and sucks were sending my mind into a haze. 

I felt them both pull back as they  examined their work, smiling as their eyes trailed my neck that was no doubt littered with hickeys. 

I blushed as I thought of what my neck being covered in dark red bruises, marks created by my mates. I dared to look up at the two of them with heavy eyes. They both had a sort of knowing look, like they were having a private conversation with each other but they just smiled down at me. 

"I think a certain little boy needs his sleep, you look exhausted sweetheart. Come, your daddies will put you to bed." Matt said, he slowly and gently pulled up my jeans, trying to avoid rubbing too hard against my ass that was still burning.

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