Chapter 32

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Damiens POV: 

I have never felt such anxiety before, my heart was pounding rapidly with every second that ticked by. 

I know I hadn't been waiting too but it felt like an eternity, like I've been pacing our room for days. 

I had told Xander I wanted to speak to him, I needed to talk to him about my past, about what happened to me. When I was speaking to him he had a look about him that said he knew, but how could he know? 

So here I was, in our room, pacing like an idiot waiting for my mate. I hate that I'm acting so scared, I didn't like this side of me. And I most certainly didn't like Xander seeing this side of me. I was his dom, I was supposed to be strong, I was supposed to be the one to comfort him when he's upset. 

Heck the only person I ever let my guard down around is Matt, my parents I haven't even opened up to in years. 

I pause my little mental war as I hear footsteps coming down the corridor, the sweet scent of my mate never failing to make my mouth water. 

The door creaks open to reveal my beautiful mate, Xander smiles at me as he enters the room and slowly closes the door behind him. 

"Hi daddy." His voice was sweet as always, a little blush creeping up his cheeks.  

"Hello baby boy, come give me a hug." I opened my arms as he sort of waddled over to me, sinking into me as I held him close. I'll never get tired of holding him. "Thank you for coming to see me, baby." 

"You've been so anxious these past few weeks daddy, you're really making me worried." His voice sounded so sad that my heart clenched, I didn't want him upset. 

"I'm so sorry Xander, I know my stress hasn't been easy on you. You need me to be there for you, especially when our son will be born any day now-" I was cut off when a pair of soft lips met mine, my body relaxing a little bit at the tender affection given to me by my mate. 

"Thank you pumpkin, I really needed that." I pulled back from the kiss to see Xander's cheeks pink, his innocent eyes looking up at me. "Why don't we sit down?"

I gestured to the bed and with a nod we both sat down, facing each other whilst our fingers intertwined. 

I took a deep breath as I tried to ready my thoughts, I didn't really know how to start, where to start. 

"So I wanted to talk to you about something. It's about my childhood." 

When I made eye contact with Xander he had a sort of knowing look on his face. Almost like he knew where this was going. I think he caught on to my stare as his cheeks darkened, looking away from me. 

"Xander, is there something you're not telling me?" I put on my dominant voice, letting him know it was a demand and not a question. 

He sighed half heartedly and turned back to me. "Vladimir told me that you were bullied as a child." 

My face paled, why did he tell him that, I wanted to be the one-

"But he didn't go into details, he left that up to you. When you and Daddy were away yesterday the two of us were talking and I wanted to know about the place you were going to, I really hate seeing you hurt daddy. Vladimir only told me that the bullying took it's toll on you and that the place you two went was the place that helped you escape from it all. "

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