Chapter 16

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

I watch my pack with great pride as they gather together in teams of two to practice.

Today I was attending our pack training, I usually attend when I can but with work and trips I sometimes have to miss them.

But as I was back home I decided I needed to spend bit of time with my pack members.......watching them train long and hard hours.

Recently there's been more rogue attacks than ever before. A pack about four three hours away were attacked just last week, thankfully they were able to fight them off but its sent alarm bells to not just me but to all nearby Alphas to be on high alert. Hence why I've upped the training just incase.

I feel a smile form on my lips as I watch my mates in action, Matt was fighting another vampire whilst Damien was fighting a worlock.

"Our mates look so hot when they're training." Oli said.

I watched their muscles flex and their tall bodies collide with their opponents. Yeah they did look hot.

Ever since we mated with Matt and Damien almost a week ago, he's been purring non stop. The feeling of our bond coursing through our body was unbelievable. It made Oli happier than usual and he's been drooling over them every chance he got. And he got plenty of chances as we went at it almost every day, multiple times all week.

"So you want their cocks do you, considering your making us drool?" I teased.

"Ha ha ye no. I'm not really one for full blown sex if I'm honest, but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun. I'll leave the bottoming to you." he chuckled causing me to pout.

I have to admit though, their cocks felt amazing. All the worrying I had been doing had melted away once I got used to their size.........and after that it was just pure heaven.

I was a bit sore afterwards.....okay maybe very sore. I'm pretty sure my dad had caught me limping as I remember the biggest smirk on his face.

"Thinking about your mates mister immortal?" I heard a voice next to me, startling me out of my thoughts.

I looked to my left and smiled at Simon who was now standing next to me.

As my beta, Simon had been taking over for me whilst I've been working and.......getting to know my mates. He's my most loyal and kindest friend and when I had become Alpha there was no doubt that he would be standing by my side.

Some people had doubted Simon being my beta, mainly because of his size. Most people believe that if their Alpha is big and strong that their second in command must equal that.

Simon wasn't weak by any means, he could hold a fight easily. He was just a bit shorter in height and had a leaner build whilst I was taller with big muscles.

A few worthy fights with our strongest guards however set everyone straight, as Simon defeated all of them barely breaking a sweat.

I pouted at my new nickname he had for me.

Since Matt and Damien are Vampires, by mating with them meant I was given their power of immortality. I still wasn't as unkillable as they are but it meant I wouldn't age.

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