Chapter 37

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Hey guys, so this chapter I'd have to say is my longest so far, over 4,000 words.

Think you guys will really enjoy this one, it has been a long time coming.


Matt's POV 

I watch my brother in amusement as he pases the corridor we've been standing in for the past twenty minutes. Sweat dripped down the sides of his neck as his hands fidgeted together. 

"Are you having second thoughts?" I bite back a smile as he sends me a half glare, if it weren't for the tint in his cheeks I'd have thought he was annoyed with me. 

Tonight was finally the time to give Xander his big treat I had promised him, he still didn't know what it was and he definitely didn't know it was today. 

"No, of course not." he struggles to say with a tremble in his voice, "I'm just a little nervous is all." 

I understood, I understood completely. What Damien was about to experience was something so different to what he was used to, something so far from anything we had done with Xander before. 

But all the nervousness that he displayed couldn't hide the excitement that was seeping off of him. 

"I know, but remember we've talked about this, how much fun it's going to be?" 

He sighs and slumps against the wall, meeting my eyes properly for the first time. I took a moment and tried my best to push some comfort into our link, as much as I knew he'd be alright at the end of the day it still made me feel bad to see the slight worry shaking his body. 

But he wants this, I know he wants this. We both want this. 

"We should probably go in, he'll think we've abandoned him for the night." he finally says, building enough courage in himself to push off the wall and walk slowly towards our room. 

He stops when he makes it to the door and takes a deep breath, I watch his hands fidget again as he reaches for the handle and opens it quietly. We both step into the room and close the door behind us, letting our eyes drift over to our beautiful mate who sat in the middle of the bed in only a pair of shorts that rode up his thick thighs. 

When he looks in our direction his cheeks turn an adorable shade of light pink as we practically eye fuck him from our positions. He didn't need to do much, just simply existing made us want to devour him. 

"You were gone for a while, where were you?" Xander's sweet voice rang out as he pouted at us, goddess he was killing me. 

"Just getting ready!" Damien managed out in a strained voice. Xander's face only contorted in confusion as he looked between the two of us. 

"Getting ready for what? For bed?" goddess he was adorable. Deciding I was probably the only one who'd be able to get anything out tonight, I spoke up. 

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