Chapter 15

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

I stood inside the shower of my room as I let the warm water run down my back. 

Matt, Damien and I had arrived back at my pack last night after saying goodbye to their dad's. I'm gonna miss being held my them, obviously my mates were the people I want more than anything to be held by but Vlad and Idris gave good hugs too. I was worried that my mates would be annoyed that I liked it but they had thought it was cute. 

But right now my thoughts held a different worry, in a few minutes time......I was going to mate with Matt and Damien and I couldn't be more nervous. 

I wanted to obviously, I was ready and I wanted them so badly, but there was one thing.......I would be bottoming. 

I had never bottomed before, fucks sake I've never even had sex before. I always wanted to save myself for my mate, I wanted my first time to be special, to hold meaning and love. 

But it also ment that I was walking into this blind. I would've been blind anyway with my lack of experience but I had no idea how gay sex worked. 

My whole life I just assumed my mate would be a girl so I tried to do a bit of research into how to make them feel good, how to make the mating process the best feeling they'd ever experience. That's what I thought would be my job, but it wasn't. 

Despite my nerves I do have the utmost trust in my mates, they know what they're doing and they'd never do anything to hurt me. 

They cared about me and cherished me, and I cherished them because.....because I love them. 

I love Matt and Damien. I smiled to myself as I felt a small blush creep up into my cheeks, maybe today would be the day to tell them. 

With that in mind I turned the shower off and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist. Taking a deep breath I reached for the handle to the bathroom and opened the door, stepping out into our bedroom. 

My breath caught in my throat as I stared at my mates. They both stood at the end of our bed completely naked and immersed in a conversation. Damien had his fingers tangled in his hair whilst Matt's hands were folded across his muscular chest. 

The sight took my breath away, their beautifully sculpted bodies made my mouth water. 

I dropped my towel on the ground as I felt myself getting hard at the sight in front of me. That seemed to catch their attention as they stopped their conversation and made their way over to me. 

"Did you like what you were seeing angel?" Matt smirked as he came to stand in front of me. 

"Do you enjoy the sight of your daddies?" Damien said from behind me, biting my ear. 

I moaned softly as their hands roamed my body, then squeaked when a hand slaps me on the ass. 

"Answer your daddies little boy, did you like what you saw?" Damien rumbled as he fondled with my ass, occasionally squeezing. 

"Yes." I breathed out. 


"It was so hot, admiring you both." I moaned. They chuckled at my response. 

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