🦇Extra 12🦇

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Hey guys, I'm sorry I've been gone for awhile. I've been having some writers block and was struggling with some of the chapters.

But I'm back, so here's a new chapter, I'll be uploading another one tomorrow so stay tuned.

Damien's POV: 

1910 June 23rd
"Are your teeth brushed?" 

"Yes Daddy." 

"Hair brushed?" 

"Yes Daddy." 

"Are you sure? They don't look very brushed to me." Daddy said in his don't lie to me voice, me and Matt hated it when he spoke like that. 

I looked over to my brother who had his head down, staring at his hands. Matt has never been good at lying, meaning I was always the one who had to try and pull us out of situations. Meeting daddy's eyes again he held the same look on his face, I sighed, he wasn't going to let it go. 

"Maybe we didn't brush our hair, daddy." I knew it was always better not to lie or we'd get lectured and daddy and papa would get mad at us. 

He sighed softly but picked up the brush on the nightstand and sat on the bed.  "Right, Damien come here. Vladimir, can you brush Matt's hair?" 

He pulled me into his lap with my back to his chest and began running the brush through my hair, gently smoothing out the tangles I had built up throughout the night. Papa came in through the door a few minutes later and picked up Matt, settling him on his lap on the bed and doing the same. 

"Ow papa." I looked to my left to see Matt who had a pained look on his face. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'll be done in a moment." 

Matt hated getting his hair brushed, his hair always got more tangled than mine so the pain was slightly more intense for him. That and he avoided his hair being brushed more than me. 

"You boys remember that your papa and I have to leave tonight on important business?" Daddy said, he set the brush down after a few strokes and then pulled me into his chest. 

"Yes daddy, and uncle Carden will be here like always." I liked Carden, he always let me and Matt stay up a little later and play games, even read to us. 

Daddy shared a look with Papa before turning me in his lap to look at him. I saw Papa do the same with Matt, I didn't like this, that look never meant anything good. 

"There's been a few changes, Carden has had to accompany us so he'll be gone with us all day." 

I frowned, "But then who is staying with us, no one but Carden has ever stayed with us before?" 

"Ye." Matt said quietly, he looked just as confused as I did. 

"Because Carden had to leave on such short notice, Ren said he'd watch over you both." 

My eyes went wide, Ren Masters would be staying with us. Daddy went to try and say something but I was already shaking my head. 

"No daddy no, why him? He's so scary." I looked over at Matt who had tears building up in his eyes. 

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