Chapter 21 p2

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

Everywhere hurt.

Absolutely everywhere.

I'd been beaten non stop for two days straight. On the first day the Rogues took it in turns with their torture. A few had taken turns punching me all over my arms and legs, and when they'd had enough others took their place.

Some used belts to whip the areas on my muscles that weren't already covered in bruises. Others burned me with cigarettes and doused me in ice water.

This went on for hours, only taking breaks for a few minutes in which time my body attempted to heal itself. But every time it looked seemed like I was healing they'd come back and start a new round.

This completely exhausted my body to no end, slowing the healing process down to that similar of a human.

And I was pregnant.

Me, a man and an Alpha......fucking pregnant. I should've known that this was going to happen, especially with how many times me and my mates have sex. But the thought or...idea for that matter never once crossed my mind.

How I didn't know was beyond me, well I mean I hadn't gained any weight recently. My habits hadn't changed and I wasn't sporting a belly. I didn't want to believe Louis at first, knowing damn well he could just be lying to me but then I realised it could have explained why Matt and Damien change in behaviour.

The sudden clinginess of my mates, Damien particularly. It was very common amongst newly pregnant wolves for their breaders to become protective over their mate and newborn child.

I felt my eyes well up with tears as I thought about my mates. All I wanted was for them to hold me, to kiss me and keep me safe. I was even craving Vladimir and Idris' hold aswell, they gave really good cuddles, but none of them were here.

No doubt they were out there looking for me but the Rogues probably made it nearly impossible, I mean I still didn't know where I was.

And to make matters worse Oli had gone quiet. He had pushed forward a few times to take some of the torture when I began to struggle.

Oli was a strong wolf, by both build and mind, but even he could only take so much.

And now he's barely said a word in the past two days.

I tried talking to him a few times to see how he was, but I got nothing. I could feel him, he was still present but his pain washed through me.

In times like this I wish Oli could be a physical form in front of me, so I could just hold him tight and let him know everything will be fine.....and that I'm sorry.

You have nothing to be sorry for.

Oli's voice came out in a weak whisper, his usual strong and powerful voice no longer present.

I'll be fine....I just need some time.

I smiled slightly at that.

I'll be right here when your ready, I love you.

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