Chapter 34

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Hey guys, hope you enjoy the new chapter.

And we just hit 200k reads, I can't believe my book has made it this far.

Thank you guys so much for your continued support.

Xander's POV: 

"How long will it take to heal?" 

"I'd give it two weeks, he's a werewolf as well as an Alpha, it won't take him long."  The voices continued on in the background as I slowly regained consciousness, I had no idea where I was or why I was in so much pain. 

"And Luca's okay?" I heard what I think was my mother's voice. 

"Yes Luca's fine, he was full term so he's fit and healthy. No complications were had during surgery." 

"Will we know what he is?" 

Okay I needed to get in on this conversation. With all the strength I could muster in my weak state I manage to open my eyes, shifting slightly until I had three sets of eyes on me. 

"Oh Xander honey, you're awake." my mother exclaims as she gets up and comes around to the left of the bed, giving me a gentle hug. 

As I looked around I realised I was in the pack hospital, my family's own private section. My mother and father surrounded my bed as one of our doctor's stood at the end, clipboard in hand. 

It was then when I comprehended what had happened. I was in the kitchen with Damien, everything was fine and then…. The pain, dear goddess the pain. 

"They delivered Luca yesterday, we'll bring him in shortly." Luca, my baby, our baby. 

"Is he okay?" 

"He's perfectly healthy Alpha Xander, I have no worries at all." the doctor said easing my worries, my baby is fine, that's all I needed. 

"You never answered our question doc?" my father says as he takes my hand in his, squeezing it gently. 

"What question?" I ask. 

"Your parents asked about Luca's make up. As of now it's hard to tell, he is of both werewolf and vampire blood, there is no saying how much of each he'll take." 

Oh right, I never thought of what he'd end up as. 

"We don't know whether he'll shift or not, he may have fangs and need blood. As of now we don't know, but the older he gets the more we'll find out." 

"Okay, thank you doctor." I said after some thought, I wonder how long it will take until he starts revealing his qualities. 

"But there's one thing I am certain of…" the doctor said as he opened the door to my room. 

"And what's that?" 

"He'll make a fine Alpha Xander, with both wolf and vampire blood, this pack will be unstoppable.". And with that he left, the room falling silent. 

"How are you feeling son?" my father asked. I could see the slight worry in his eyes, I knew he knew that I was strong, being an Alpha meant I healed quicker than other wolves. But no matter how strong or how old I got he'd always be my father who worried about me to death. 

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