🎅Christmas Special Extra🎄

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Hey guys, I know I've said this a million times but I'm really sorry for being gone for so long. I've had a hard few months so I haven't been up to writing.

I thought because it's been a while that you guys deserve a little treat, so hears a little Christmas extra full of smutt goodness.

I'll have the next two chapters uploaded next week, so until then...


🎄🍬🎂🦌🎅Merry Christmas everyone 🎅🦌🎂🍬🎄

Damien's POV: 

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it-" 

"Good goddess dad please stop singing, that's the 4th time this hour I've heard jingle bells!" I groaned as I glanced at my dad who was now pouting while cutting some tape. 

"You're such a scrooge, at least your father enjoys my singing." 

"I never said I didn't like your singing. I'm just sick of hearing the same exact song over and over again, can't you sing something else like, I don't know 'Silent Night' or 'Joy to the World'." Those songs he hasn't sung yet and I'd give anything to hear something new. 

"Alright you two stop bickering, and Damien I thought you liked Jingle Bells?" Papa said as he made his way into the kitchen where dad and I sat. He gave my dad a kiss and sat down next to him. 

"Yeah, it was your favourite Christmas song as a kid?" Dad whined again. 

"Ugh!" I give up. "Can we please just finish wrapping Luca's presents, Xander's waiting for Matt and I and we're already late."

My parents and I were finishing off wrapping Luca's last few presents for Christmas, he has been really into lego this year and as usual my parents bought him too many gifts. This year would mark Luca's eighth Christmas, every year he grew bigger and bigger. He was already at my hip, much bigger than most of the other kids in his year. I mean he was a hybrid after all, seeing what size he'll be when he's older will be quite interesting. 

"Fine fine, where is Xander anyway?" Papa asked, cutting another piece of wrapping paper. 

"He's making dinner at the cottage, we're going to have a quiet night in." Matt said as he entered the kitchen giving me a knowing look. I kept my composure while he washed out Luca's water bottle. 

"Is he awake yet?" I asked, Luca had been napping for a few hours. We weren't sure if it was a hybrid thing or if it was just a Luca thing but our son napped a lot, a hell of a lot. This started about two years ago and we weren't sure if he'd grow out of it or not. 

"Yeah, he's already flipping through his colouring book trying to find a blank page." 

"Well it's just aswell that we bought him loads more for Christmas, though no doubt he'll use them up rather quickly." I scowled at my dad who just grinned at me. 

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