Chapter 26

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

SURPRISE, double update.

Thank you guys so much for 30k views, it really means a lot.

So here's a little thank you.

Xander's POV:

I sighed happily as I looked around the bare room, paint samples of all different colours of pinks and blues littering the walls. Some were darker in colour and some were lighter, I'd say there were probably nearly twelve samples up there.

The corners of the room had boxes stacked upon boxes with furniture, bathing supplies, towels and toys. Our baby would have it all.

I smiled to myself as I placed my hand on my slightly bigger belly, my pup was growing bigger and bigger by the day and it made my heart swell with joy. Don't get me wrong though, I'm nervous as hell in becoming a parent, I knew practically nothing about raising a child.

I knew Matt and Damien would be fine, they were always so good with the kids of the pack whereas I tended to scare them. They'd always run to them wanting to play, it was cute really so I knew I they'd be excellent dad's.

I was currently sat in the middle of the floor of our soon to be nursery with a range of baby clothes scattered in front of me. Some of the pack members when they found out we were expecting gave us a tone of clothes. We weren't sure whether it was gonna be a boy or a girl, I had wanted it to be a surprise much to my mates dismay as they would've preferred to know.

The sounds of footsteps approaching the room caught my attention as the scent of wood carvings and coffee wafted through the air making me drool as Oli and I craved our mates, being pregnant didn't help much either as it made me constantly needy.

Matt and Damien entered the room making the world around me stop, my gaze zoned in on my mates with need. Matt's long black hair rested on his shoulders as an easy smile lay on his face, Damien's face was his usual stone expression but displayed a smirk I knew was for me. His blonde hair was tied back into a messy bun with a few strands falling in places.

They looked so effortlessly hot and the sight of their bulging muscles through their shirts wasn't helping matters downstairs either.

"Is the view too much for you baby boy, having trouble containing yourself?" Damien teased as he and Matt sat down next to me, Damien pulling me into his lap.

I frowned but snuggled into his hold on me. "You know it's really rude to eavesdrop on people's thoughts." I grumbled.

"Well how can I not when all your thoughts are of us and our 'bulging muscles' as you put it." Damien teased as Matt chuckled next to me. My face burned from embarrassment and I turned to hide my face in Damien's neck.

"You guys are so mean." I whined which only caused them to chuckle more.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed of angel, we're glad our beautiful mate loves our muscles..." Matt leaned into me and whispered in my ear "...and that you drool at the sight of us, that our bodies excite you so much that your cock is dripping with need to be touched."

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