Chapter 17

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

I could feel my head getting heavier as I struggled to stay awake, my body was exhausted and trying to sit through a dinner was the last thing I wanted to do right about now.

After my little play session with Matt and Damien I had slipped into subspace.

I was getting more used to it but the after effects took a tole on my body. It's like it drains every ounce of energy and I'm left dragging myself around.

Kind of like now. I was sat at my families dinning table in the pack house with my mates either side of me. My parents were to my left giving me and my mates heart eyes.

Vladimir and Idris were to my right though they were smirking, a sort of knowing look in their eyes.

I had my head on Matt's shoulder, his fingers massaging my scalp. My left hand in Damien's, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

Their actions weren't helping my current state. When I remembered we had to attend a family dinner I had tried my hardest to bring myself out subspace. 

But doing so only made me tired, and my mates gentle caresses weren't helping me stay awake either. All I wanted to do was go to bed and snuggle with my mates. 

Patience baby boy, we can sleep plenty once dinner is over. Can you try staying awake till then pumpkin?  Damien said through our link. 

I'll try daddy... Was all I managed out before snuggling into his side further, craving his warmth. 

"So I see you guys have mated, how does it feel baby?" I heard my mother ask. My eyes shot open as I stared at my mom. 

We hadn't exactly told anyone that we were mated yet but I hadn't thought it was that obvious. 

It's kind of obvious babe.  Matt chuckled. 

"Mom!" I whined and buried my face into Matt's neck. He chuckled and kissed my head. 

"What, you've never been with guys before, I just want to know. Besides your marks on your necks stand out like a sore thumb." she defended. 

"It's good OK, I'm happy." I mumbled into Matt's neck as I tried to ignore my mom's cooes. 

"Well we're very happy for you son, aren't we honey?" my dad said, I could tell he felt sorry for me. 

"We are, especially that you have mates like Matt and Damien. It gives your father and I comfort knowing that they will keep you safe." 

I lifted my head slightly from Matt's neck and smiled at my parents, feeling their love for me. 

"And as Matt and Damien's parents we couldn't have asked for a better mate for our sons either. You make them truly happy Xander and for that we are grateful." Idris said with a smile. Giving both myself and my mates fond looks. 

"Thank you dad." Damien replied. 

"It also means we get to spend more quality time with Xander. We had really enjoyed your Company last week." Vladimir said giving me a little wink. 

I blushed as all eyes were on me again. 

"How was it by the way, I forgot to ask." my dad asked sending a smirk towards Vladimir who gladly returned it. 

So much for feeling sorry for me.... 

"It was lovely. Xander sat with us while we did paperwork, he was hard at work with his own." Idris said with a smile. 

Since my bonding time with Vladimir and Idris, we've been spending a lot more time with them. They often came to the Pack now to say hi to my mates and to conversate with my parents and I. 

I sunk into my mates hold, growing more and more impatient by the minute. 

Daddy I'm tired. I tried to reason but all I got was a sorrowful look from Matt. 

I know angel, but dinner is nearly over and as soon as it is we'll go to bed. Okay? Matt spoke softly as his fingers continued their strokes in my hair. 

Okay daddy. I said sadly but gave his neck a kiss as my way of letting him know I understood. 

Good boy. He smiled down at me and gave my forhead a kiss, a blush forming on my cheeks. 

Our parents continued to talk for some time. They had been growing closer with all the visits Vladimir and Idris were making to out pack and it honestly made me really happy. 

Knowing our parents got along well made our relationships a lot stronger. We felt more like a family. 

"Well I think we've kept the kids here long enough. Come, we haven't shown you the gardens yet." my dad said and with that they stood up and made their way out of the dining room, leaving my mates and I alone. 

"Now, I think a certain someone said he wanted to go to bed. Isn't that right pumpkin?" Damien spoke softly as he stood from his chair. He reached down and picked me up, cradling me in his arms. 

I melted into his hold, my exhaustion fighting me to shut my eyes. 

I looked into his eyes with a smile."Yes daddy."I said quietly. 

"Then let us bring our adorable mate to our bed." Matt cooed and pecked my cheek. 

I felt Damien begin to walk out of the dining room and towards the stairs that led to our new room. It was much more spacious for the three of us now. 

Feeling the soft sheets touching my back felt amazing as I let myself get carried away. 

Matt and Damien moved around me as they undressed themselves, then they moved to undress me. My cheeks flushed slightly when they pulled off my trousers, feeling their eyes staring at my body made me feel both shy and excited. 

"You really have a beautiful body Xander. Matt and I couldn't be prouder to have you as our mate." Damien said softly.

My eyes looked to him as I felt them water. His were a little watery too. 

"I love you daddy." I said reaching up to him. He engulfed me in his embrace and held me tight. Sparks erupted through our bond and I felt every cell in my body fill with love. 

Matt then came in and hugged me from behind. "I love you too daddy."

"And we love you baby, so so much." they tell me in unison and we all fall asleep in each others embrace.

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