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Hey guys, I'm just writing this to clear up a few things.

Firstly, I know a few of you have been commenting asking for updates, and that I promised an update but haven't delivered it.

I have been really struggling with my mental health for many months now and it is why my updates haven't been the same as when I started writing my book. The truth is that it is extremely difficult to make yourself be productive when your mind is constantly against you and I've been finding it hard to write new chapters at the same pace I did before.

I currently have three new chapters partially written that usually would've gone out weeks ago but the reality is that it's not always that simple.

I amnt loosing my love of writing and I am in no way taking a break, things are just currently complicated.

I feel so bad because I know you guys always want updates cuz you like my book that much and I feel terrible that I can't give you updates quicker.

I am hoping to finish these soon to get them out to you guys and continue writing more but I just ask you to bare with me on updates...

... I think from now on I'll be better at informing you guys when chapters are delayed.

My health is improving and with that will come better time and productivity management, especially with the sequel starting later this year.

Yes that also means that Submissive Alpha will come to an end but not for a while, I still have plenty of chapters before I wrap it up and the sequel will definitely include plenty of side chapters of Xander and the twins aswell as Vladimir and Idris.

I hope you guys understand and I'm sorry again.

Luv u guys 💮

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